Your Career Path Illuminated

Astrological Clues for Actualizing Your Professional Path

Rachael Middleton


Photo by Steve Halama on Unsplash

Astrology has a lot to say regarding matters of career, work and money. Career counselors and head hunters (or even anyone looking for a job) would benefit immensely from consulting the birth chart of the willing worker in question. So for those who are interested, here is a quick guide for where to look in your birth chart for clues as to your professional path.

The Earth Houses — Your Money(2nd), Job(6th), and Career(10th)

The astrological houses clarify that there is a difference between your money (2nd house) your work (6th house) and your career (10th) although the areas and subject matters are inter-related in many ways. This is good news because many times people have trouble in one area (like a tough 6th house) but are much better positioned if they look to their tenth house, which would be activated if they were working for themselves.

The tenth house represents your career, as well as your public image. The sixth house represents your work and service you do for others. You know how there is a difference between a career and a job, well the 10th house will represent your boss if you are working a J-O-B. If you own your own business and have employees then your career is…

