Hey, Cuzzin!

- iioffice
IIO: Indigenous Initiatives
2 min readMar 12, 2019

Have you met Michelle Durocher, from Fishing Lake Métis Settlement, the Administrative Team Lead, Faculty Development in the Office of Advancement? Spend the next few minutes getting to know her a little better. Then ask your auntie if you’re related :)

Where are you “from from”?

I am from Fishing Lake Métis Settlement, one of the 8 Métis Settlements in Alberta. It is about 300 km east of Edmonton.

What do you miss most about home?

My family. Almost my entire family (including aunts, uncles, cousins etc.) lives in my community. A few of us moved away, but I am the only one in Edmonton right now.

Tea or coffee?

Coffee, for sure. Tea reminds me of community events, and having to walk around the room serving cups of tea to the elders. Haha :)

Call or text?

Text! Also, I’m one of those people who sends 4–5 short texts separately instead of 1 long text, sorry not sorry. :)

Do you still have a land line at home?

At my home in Edmonton, no. But in the house I grew up in, my dad still has one. It’s one of the few phone numbers I actually remember.

Who makes you laugh more than anyone?

My sister. We have a similar sense of humour, so we can keep a joke going between us for a while.

What is your favourite place on campus?

The rooftop garden of the Business Building. Alternatively, oddly enough, the 8th floor of the Donadeo Engineering building. Both places have amazing views of the city and campus.

What do you see as your role in advancing the TRC?

To be an advocate, to express my opinions proudly whenever possible, whether that is in social media, at work, or with friends and family. The TRC brought some uncomfortable realities to light and while it may be difficult to talk about, it’s also so important to talk about and to learn from.

Do you believe it’s important to acknowledge the territory?

Yes. This land has a long history before settlers arrived, and I think it’s important not only to acknowledge it, but to respect it.

