Bridgei2i’s Automated Headline and Sentiment Generation: Gold Medal Approach

Shreya Sajal
Published in
8 min readApr 13, 2021
  • Problem Statement: Building an automated system for segregation of text into mobile tech and non-mobile tech classes and further identifying the mobile brands associated with the mobile tech articles/tweets and finding the associated sentiment with the brand. Further building an automated headline generator for the mobile tech articles.

The Dataset

  • Tweets: 4000 tweets in English, Hindi, and Hinglish languages, with 1000 belonging to mobile tech and 3000 belonging to non-mobile tech. The data had a lot of duplication, and most non-mobile tech tweets were politically opinionated.
  • Articles: 4000 articles in English, Hindi, and Hinglish languages, with 1000 belonging to mobile tech and 3000 belonging to non-mobile tech. The data had a lot of duplication, and most non-mobile tech tweets were news articles

Our Approach

We developed an end-to-end, scalable, and novel pipeline for the identification, summarization, and entity-based sentiment analysis of mobile technology articles and tweets using various deep learning architectures for language modeling. Our main focus was on using lightweight algorithms without compromising on the quality of predictions.

1. Preprocessing Pipeline

We carefully crafted a robust and fast data preprocessing and cleaning pipeline to ensure that we can remove the maximum amount of noise with the least amount of information loss from the given dataset.

Language Agnostic Text Cleaning

  • Emoji to emoji sentiment conversion using demoji package.
  • Removing URLs, RTs, QTs, and hyperlinks. Removing @, #, and _ in the user handles.
  • Pictographs, Alchemical symbols, Geometric Shapes, Supplemental Arrows, etc. were removed from the text.

Duplicates Handling

Why did we need to remove duplicates?

If a train test split was performed without removing the duplicates, there is a heavy data leakage in the validation pipeline leading to an inaccurate validation set

  • For the removal of duplicate sentences, we developed a unique graph-based clustering algorithm using Levenshtein distance, since there were a lot of examples that were different because of the presence of gibberish or very uncommon words. We were unable to identify them just by using existing duplicate methods in pandas.
  • So we developed a clustering algorithm that clusters similar words with Levenshtein distance less than a certain threshold and then one data point from each cluster is selected as a unique example.
  • On removing the duplicates, we noticed that only 40% of the dataset had a unique text.

Language Detection

  • Detecting Pure Hindi Text: The Hindi characters (Devanagari script) have hexadecimal characters between 0x0900 and 0x097F. Thus any word written in Hindi can be identified just by checking its Unicode.
  • Detecting Hinglish Text: We built a character level Bidirectional LSTM based model which was trained on a self-made dataset that contained Hinglish and English words. It was able to identify Hinglish text with up to 95% accuracy.

Transliterating Hinglish Text

  • Strategy Applied: To deal with code-mixed language, we transliterated the sentences to their intended language so that the code-mixed language was converted into a pure Indic language.
  • Datasets used: We collected data from the following sources: Xlit-Crowd, NeuralCharTransliteration, Xlit-IITB-Par, BrahmiNet Corpus, Dakshina dataset, and Hindi word transliteration pairs.
  • Model Applied: We made a 4 layered Vanilla Transformer. The model gave an overall BLEU score on the dataset as 50.4 while Google Transliterate API gave a score of 53 with our model being 2.2x faster than Google API.

Translating Hindi

For translation, we used MarianMT because it is built on C++, hence is very fast and has 1000+ models therefore is quite scalable. Additionally, MarianMT is used as a backbone by Microsoft Bing Translate. MarianMT is optimized to run multi-GPU support as well.

Scalability: Converting everything to English made our pipeline more scalable and robust.

Preprocessing The English Text

  • Cleaning Contractions: Common contractions like can’t(=cannot) are mapped to their expanded forms using a dictionary.
  • British English to American English: In addition to that, to bring uniformity between British and American English, we map all words in British English to their American English counterparts.
  • Cleaning punctuations: Variations in punctuation are corrected. We create a dictionary that maps erroneous punctuations to their correct ones. Eg: `, ‘, are all mapped to ‘.
  • Stopword Removal: Get rid of stopwords like a, an, the aka removal of stop words. The list of stopwords is readily available in NLTK. We do not apply stemming, since stemming is random cutting.
  • Lemmatization: Converting a word to its base form using a lemmatizer from wordnet makes our vocabulary less noisy.

2. Mobile Tech Classification

The aim of this module is to automate the task of filtering out the articles and tweets which belong to the mobile tech category so that it can be used for further tasks and analysis.

The Dataset

We scraped almost 3000 tweets related to mobile tech using tweepy(with different brands given as search query) the similar data for roughly 600 articles were scraped from, for the nonmobile tech classification we used 2 publicly available datasets from Kaggle, one being demonetization tweets and other being a news article dataset

Validation Strategy

A new dataset from the scraped dataset was created by rebalancing the classes according to the dataset provided by the organizers. 80% of the given dataset (using stratified split) was added to this new dataset. The remaining 20% of the dataset was used as the main cross-validation set. Further, we also made secondary cross-validation set from 10% of the new training dataset.

Machine Learning Model

We trained 2 separate, 2 layered Bi-LSTM with 100-d Glove Embeddings, for the mobile tech classification of articles and tweets.


  • Training F1: 0.968
  • Primary Validation F1: 0.942
  • Secondary Validation F1: 0.959
  • Testing F1: 0.92

Other Model Performances:

  • Naive Bayes with BOW: 0.23
  • SVM with BOW: 0.35
  • Dictionary search: 0.62
  • Vanilla Bi-RNN: 0.91
  • BERT(base): 0.94
  • BERT(large): 0.94

3. Brand Identification

For all articles and tweets where the classified theme is ‘mobile_tech, ’ you would need to identify the brand name

Our Approach

For brand identification, the best method we found was a simplistic dictionary-based search approach using regex. We plan to regularly automatically update our brand name dictionary, this is a simple and super-light approach that is also reliable. We also included common spelling mistakes of the brands e.g. Xiaomi as Xioami, Huawei as Hauwei.


  • Validation Accuracy: 0.97
  • Test Accuracy: 0.94

Other things we tried

We translated all our text to English in our preprocessing module and tried a ner-based model (We used spacy’s NER model) to identify brands, but our model performed better. One other thing we tried is fuzzy string matching of all the brands available in our dictionary. But this will lead to a lot of false-positive results which lead to a decrease in our f1 score.

4. Sentiment Analysis

Once we identify the brands, the aspect-based sentiment classification model aims at identifying the sentiment polarities of aspects (brands) explicitly given in sentences.

The Dataset

  • LAP14 (Pontiki et al., 2014): Dataset with laptop-related reviews.
  • Scraped Articles from NDTV Gadgets (for mobile tech) and random news articles (non-mobile tech).
  • 600 + 3000 Articles
  • Scraped Tweets
  • 3000 Tweets

Our Approach

To account for relevant syntactic constraints and long-range word dependencies, we use a Graph Convolutional Network (GCN) over a sentence’s dependency tree to exploit syntactic information and word dependencies.

Machine Learning Model

  • Embedding and Bidirectional LSTM: With the word embeddings of the sentence obtained from Glove, a bi-LSTM is constructed to produce hidden state vectors.
  • Obtaining Aspect-oriented Features: we got aspect-oriented features by applying multi-layer graph convolution over the syntactic dependency tree of a sentence and imposing an aspect-specific masking layer on its top.
  • Aspect — specific Masking: We mask out hidden state vectors of nonaspect words and keep the aspect word states unchanged. Through graph convolution, these feature masks can capture long term dependencies
  • Aspect-aware Attention: Using the aspect-oriented features, a refined representation of the hidden state vectors is produced. The idea is to retrieve significant features that are semantically relevant to the aspect words from the hidden state vectors and set a retrieval-based attention weight for each context word.


  • Train F1: 0.90
  • Primary Validation F1: 0.65
  • Secondary Validation F1: 0.77
  • Test F1: 0.48

5. Headline Generation

The final task of the pipeline is to generate the heading of the articles classified as mobile tech.

Our Approach

Extractive Summary: The network calculates the most important sentences from the article and gets them together to provide the most meaningful information from the article.

Abstractive Summary: The network creates new sentences to encapsulate the maximum gist of the article and generates that as output. The sentences in the summary may or may not be contained in the article.

We generated an Abstractive Summary.

Machine Learning Model

T5 as a Language Model

  • We have used one of the most recent and novel transformers model T5.
  • T5 in many ways is one of its kind transformers architecture that not only gives state-of-the-art results in many NLP tasks but also has a very radical approach to NLP tasks.
  • Text-2-Text: According to the graphic taken from the T5 paper. All NLP tasks are converted to a text-to-text problem. Tasks such as translation, classification, summarization, and question answering, all are treated as text-to-text conversion problems, rather than seen as separate unique problem statements.

Why T5 Small?

  • The T5 model parameters were less than the BERT transformer for text summarisation and performed better than the BERT in our dataset.
  • T5 is an encoder-decoder model and converts all NLP problems into a text-to-text format.
  • For the text summarization, T5 was trained on the CNN/Daily Mail dataset which is posed as an abstractive summarization benchmark.
  • The BERT base had 110 million parameters but the T5 small we used had just 65 million parameters.


  • Train score: 0.83
  • Primary Validation score: 0.47
  • Secondary Validation score: 0.85
  • Test score: 0.27

This concludes our solution to the Bridgei2i’s Automated Headline and Sentiment Generation problem of the 9th Inter IIT Tech Meet at IIT Guwahati.

Team members:

  • Abhilash Reddy
  • Yash Wanth
  • Aditya Patil
  • Samarth Saraswat
  • Rahul D. Gowda
  • Bhavnick Minhas
  • Mukul Ranjan
  • Narmin Kauser
  • Franchis N. Saikia
  • Roshan J. Shaji
  • Shreya Sajal

