Make Journalism Great Again in 2017: transparency, more accuracy, fact-checking, and dialogue with readers

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⚡ ijf weekly roundup
4 min readJan 13, 2017


edited by Marco Nurra

One more thing…

CNN, BuzzFeed, Trump, and the 35-page “unverified” intelligence report

Unless you have been living on Mars this week, you may have heard of the 35-page “unverified” dossier on Donald Trump’s alleged long-term relationship with Russia, mentioned in a CNN report and published by BuzzFeed News. If not, here is a selection of articles you must read:

❗️ Intel chiefs presented Trump with claims of Russian efforts to compromise him, CNN report

❗️ These reports allege Trump has deep ties to Russia, BuzzFeed News report

International Journalism Festival is the biggest annual media event in Europe. It’s an open invitation to interact with the best of world journalism. All sessions are free entry for all attendees, all venues are situated in the stunning setting of the historic town centre of Perugia.



⚡ ijf weekly roundup

International Journalism Festival #ijf21 | 15th edition | 14–18 April 2021 | Watch all sessions on-demand from past editions: