Trump attacks CNN’s Jim Acosta in angry White House press conference: ‘Just sit down’ (via Independent)

Trump, Bolsonaro, Orban, Erdogan, Suu Kyi… and the press

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⚡ ijf weekly roundup
3 min readNov 9, 2018


edited by Marco Nurra

  • White House revokes CNN reporter Jim Acosta’s credentials after furious exchange with Trump. President called Acosta a “rude, terrible person” after he refused to give up a microphone while trying to ask a question.
  • Words and walkouts aren’t enough. CNN should sue Trump over revoking Acosta’s press pass, writes Margaret Sullivan. “Whether you like Acosta’s style, it’s clear the White House crossed a bright line Wednesday when it took away Acosta’s ‘hard pass’, which allows him the access he needs to cover the White House.”
  • People are arguing about whether this Trump press conference video is doctored. A viral clip showing a confrontation between CNN reporter Jim Acosta and a White House aide at a Wednesday press conference with President Trump has provided us with a handy example of the coming video manipulation dystopia. The video clip was picked up and tweeted by White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders as proof that Acosta “put his hands on a young woman just trying to do her job.” But observers online quickly pointed out that the clip may have been doctored and that someone might have changed the speed of Acosta’s arm to “amp up the conflict.”

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⚡ ijf weekly roundup

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