How We (Interns) End This!

Andhini Aurelia
Published in
2 min readNov 8, 2019
Photo by Baim Hanif on Unsplash

It is the last week. Yeayy!! ’m very happy to have completed an internship at JAKI. The last assignment given was to invite 120 reviewers from Indonesia and abroad. Wow, that was a lot too. Calm down, it’s easy. Just search for names, emails, and university, but the invited reviewers must be relevant to JAKI scope. At the beginning, I had troubles in finding reviewers. After I searched again and again on every web university (which has public health), I found a lot of references. If you are given an assignment, do not ever give up. Try first so that you can judge whether a task is hard or not for you.

Okay guys, because this was the last week, let me write my experiences during being a part of JAKI. The first time I entered JAKI was very nervous because I had my first internship ever in the field of article writing. It was not a problem though. In the meantime, I had a break for several weeks (almost 1 month) because I had to undergo surgery and the recovery that took long. I also apologized for delaying the internship activities. Thank you for Ms. Iim who always patiently waits for the work done by me and also other interns (Ms. Tata, Erika).

During my internship at JAKI, I got a lot of knowledge about writing scientific articles. It was very useful for my future, especially during studying in public health. I have no regrets about having an internship at JAKI. Last but not least, hopefully what I get during the internship can be useful in my academics.

