An Efficient Big Data Security Method Using AES Algorithm With Conditional Filtering Approach

published by IJTCSE June 2017
Author: S.Rajarajesware , Research Scholar,Manonmaniam Sundaranar University

Abstract: The data which are voluminous and arrive at great velocity and variety are termed as big data. Big data dealings make user transactions hassle free and ease. One thing which needs to pay attention in big data storage and retrieval is its security. To have a secured data storage and secure communication and also to ensure that the data reaches the right receiver, when requested from a distributed file system, a system is needed that ensures that all these transactional aspects are carried out in a confidential manner, that too with integrity and authentication. Also, in a big data environment, the time taken to encrypt the data should be minimized to improve the speed and efficiency of the process. For this, in this paper an encryption technique using AES algorithm along with a filtering method is proposed, which will mitigate processing time as per the filtering criteria set.

Key words: Big data, cryptography, Encryption, Decryption, Security

1. Introduction

According to IDC’s statistics, by 2020 the volume growth rate of the digital data will be 44 to 50 times. This type of data is mostly unstructured in nature. Accommodating in addition to value making with this Big Data is a crucial issue. Due to the evolution of distributed computing, the third party computing environments like cloud computing which are emerged recently renders the needs of Big Data storage. These Cloud computing resources are shared across many users on demand basis on pay per use over internet. But as they are third party service providers, cannot guarantee the trust on the customers’ data storage [1].

With cloud computing, deployment of IT systems and data storage is shifted to off-premises third-party IT infrastructures. Deployment on off-premises third party IT infrastructures have the following characteristics.

• Data owners have only limited control over the IT infrastructure, therefore data owners must establish a mechanism to mandate the enforcement of their security policies to ensure data confidentiality and integrity.

• Cloud service providers have excessive privileges. This allows cloud service providers to control and modify users’ IT system and data.

The above two characteristics lead directly to a very low level of trust on keeping and sharing data on a cloud, when comparing to that of conventional infrastructures where users have a certain degree of control on the underlying infrastructures.[3]

Apache Hadoop[4] is an open-source software framework that supports data-intensive distributed applications, the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), is a distributed, scalable, and portable file system written in Java for the Hadoop framework, and HDFS is cloud storage the most widely used tool.

Given the wide range of applications for Big Data, it is not hard to imagine that sensitive data could end up in an organization’s HDFS infrastructure, making it a ripe target for exploitation. Depending on the business of the organization, this could have the potential to be a treasure trove of information that an adversary could become acutely interested in. If the organization can gain financial benefit from the data stored within HDFS, someone else may be able to as well [5].

HDFS is a highly fault-tolerant Hadoop distributed file system [7].Fig:1 shows the HDFS architecture.

Hadoop supports various file systems and the default one is Hadoop distributed file system (HDFS). In HDFS, all files are stored in cleartext and controlled by a central server. Thus, HDFS is not secure against storage servers that may peep at data content. Hadoop also supports Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3). In the official website of Amazon S3, users are recommended to encrypt their data before uploading them to strengthen data security. Applying cryptographic primitives to guarantee strong data confidentiality is a common practice in conventional networked and distributed storage systems [8].

Big data is a word which describes a huge amount of data for both structured and unstructured data. Big data is huge data set with volume, velocity, and variety. With the increased access to the web-based, mobile and cloud-based application, sensitive data is accessed from different platforms by different users. These platforms are vulnerable to hacking, mainly if they are free or low cost. Now a days, companies are collecting and processing huge amount of data or information. Data which are stored by the user ensure that this data is secure. The loss in data security leads to company’s financial loss and decreases company’s reputation. Therefore security is most important in big data [11].

Big data is an all-encompassing term for any collection of data sets so large and complex that it becomes difficult to process using traditional data processing applications. With advanced big data analyzing technologies, insights can be acquired to enable better decision making for critical development areas such as health care, economic productivity, energy, and natural disaster prediction. The big data refers to massive amounts of digital information, companies and government collect about us and our surroundings. Voluminous data are generated from a variety of users and devices, and are to be stored and processed in powerful data centres. As such, there is a strong demand for building an unimpeded network infrastructure to gather geologically distributed and rapidly generated data, and move them to data centres for effective knowledge discovery. It’s just standard data that’s usually distributed across multiple locations, from a diverse array of sources, in different formats and often unstructured. The challenges include analysis, capture, curation, search, sharing, storage, transfer, visualization, and privacy violations.

Considering privacy and security, with a variety of personal data such as buying preference, healthcare records, and location-based information being collected by big data applications and transferred over networks, the public’s concerns about data privacy and security naturally arise. While there have been significant studies on protecting data centres from being attacked, the privacy and security loopholes when moving the sourced data to data centres remain to be addressed. There is an urgent demand on technologies that endeavour to enforce privacy and security in data transmission. Given the huge data volume and number of sources, this requires a new generation of encryption solutions [12].

Many encryption algorithms are widely available and used in information security. They can be categorized into Symmetric (private) and Asymmetric (public) keys encryption. In Symmetric keys encryption or secret key encryption, only one key is used to encrypt and decrypt data. In Asymmetric keys, two keys are used; private and public keys. Public key is used for encryption and private key is used for decryption (e.g. RSA). Public key encryption is based on mathematical functions, computationally intensive. There are many examples of strong and weak keys of cryptography algorithms like DES, AES. DES uses one 64-bits key while AES uses various 128,192,256 bits keys.

Asymmetric key encryption or public key encryption is used to solve the problem of key distribution. In Asymmetric keys, two keys are used; private and public keys. Public key is used for encryption and private key is used for decryption (E.g. RSA and Digital Signatures). Because users tend to use two keys: public key, which is known to the public and private key which is known only to the user. There is no need for distributing them prior to transmission. However, public key encryption is based on mathematical functions, computationally intensive and is not very efficient for small mobile devices. Asymmetric encryption techniques are almost 1000 times slower than Symmetric techniques, because they require more computational processing power. Encryption is a well known technology for protecting sensitive data. [13].

In this paper, it is proposed to design a filtering algorithm that has to be used with big data. Also by analysing, the best among the encryption algorithms available will be identified. Combination of these two algorithms are used to provide better data security for sensitive data in big data environment.

2 Literature Survey

Ganesan Zhao et al [2010], propose a system for trusted data sharing through untrusted cloud providers, a progressive encryption scheme based on elliptic curve encryption. This proposed progressive encryption scheme allows data to be encrypted multiple times with different keys and produces a final ciphertext that can be decrypted with a single decryption key in a single decryption operation. This scheme allows changing the encryption key without decrypting the data first, enabling the re-encryption of data in an untrusted environment.

Anup Mathew [2012] points out that people are increasingly relying on a number of online file storage systems to backup their data or use it as a collaborative tool in real time. All these services bring with it a fair share of security and privacy vulnerabilities for all the conveniences provided by them. This includes issues related to data security, privacy and availability with storing data on third party service providers. As a solution he proposed a technique to enforce security on the service providers by using provenance labels so that the clients or consumers are assured that they get the correct service they are paying for and thus ensuring maximum security for their data [2].

H. Y. Lin et al [2012] addressed the data confidentiality issue by integrating hybrid encryption schemes and the Hadoop distributed file system (HDFS). They proposed two integrations, HDFS-RSA and HDFS-Pairing, as extensions of HDFS. They have introduced integration of hybrid encryption schemes and HDFS as an alternative secure storage system for Hadoop. It is stated that HDFSRSA and HDFS-Pairing have considerable overhead on writing operations and acceptable overhead on reading operations and HDFS-RSA and HDFS-Pairing are suitable for write-once read-many applications.

J. Cohen et al [2013] examined the concept of combining trusted computing technologies with the Apache Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) in an effort to address concerns of data confidentiality and integrity. To accomplish this, they had used hardware accelerated encryption with key protections tied to the hardware based TPM (Trusted Platform Module).

S. Park et al [2013] said that the current Hadoop does not support encryption of storing HDFS blocks, which is a fundamental solution for secure Hadoop. Therefore, a secure Hadoop architecture is proposed by adding encryption and decryption functions in HDFS by adding the AES encrypt/decrypt class to CompressionCodec in Hadoop. From experiments with a small Hadoop test bed, they had shown that the representative MapReduce job on encrypted HDFS generates affordable computation overhead.

S. Jin, S. Yang et al [2013] proposed a design of trusted file system for Hadoop. The design uses the latest cryptography — fully homomorphic encryption technology and authentication agent technology. It ensures the reliability and safety from the three levels of hardware, data, users and operations. The homomorphic encryption technology enables the encrypted data to be operable to protect the security of the data and the efficiency of the application. The authentication agent technology offers a variety of access control rules, which are a combination of access control mechanisms, privilege separation and security audit mechanisms, to ensure the safety for the data stored in the Hadoop file system.

Dr.PrernaMahajan (2013) et al., in their research work surveyed the performance of existing encryption techniques like AES, DES and RSA algorithms. Based on the text files used and the experimental result it was concluded that AES algorithm consumes least encryption and RSA consume longest encryption time. Also observed that Decryption of AES algorithm is better than other algorithms. From the simulation result, they evaluated that AES algorithm is much better than DES and RSA algorithm.

H. Zhou et al [2014] tried to solve the security issues of network features and data sharing features in cloud storage service through a data security access scheme in cloud storage Based on Attribute-Group. In this scheme, data owners do not participate in the specific operation of the property and user rights. Re-encryption on the NameNode, can reduce the cost of the computation and management of the client, and also reduce the complexity of rights management and property management

Garima Saini et al [2014] introduced a mechanism to provide secure data by combining three algorithm DSA , DES and Steganography to provide security of data in cloud computing. Their plan is to provide authenticity, security and data integrity to the data by means of implementing these three algorithm. But it seems that the Time complexity is high because it is a one by one process, which may be improved by using other security algorithms.

Priyadarshinipatil(2015) et al., made a comprehensive evaluation of cryptographic algorithms DES, 3DES, AES, RSA and Blowfish and arrived at the conclusion based on their implementation results obtained on the evaluation parameters, encryption time, decryption time, memory used etc., that AES can be used in applications where confidentiality and integrity is of highest priority. And Blowfish is strongest against guessing attacks. Also Blowfish consumes least time and less memory amongst all.

Bhargavi, et. al [2016] states that normally cloud storage is used for storing big data. But despite of effective cost saving, cloud storage is prone to many security threats. The confidentiality of the users’ data is a critical issue at cloud based services. At a base level of cloud based storage, data security is a critical issue and prone to security violations. The main security violations are: Data Leakage, Unauthorized access, Denial of service of Resources. The three key components on securing Big Data on General cloud based storage are given as: Integrity, confidentiality and availability. The feasible solutions to address the BIG DATA storage at cloud environments are presented in two perspectives. (i) By considering underlying technology of the cloud as a black box. (II) By considering HADOOP distributed framework based cloud data center [1].

Sreenivasa B.L [2016] et al., had taken into consideration the following encryption techniques: Homomorphic encryption algorithm, Verifiable computation algorithm, Message digest algorithm (MD5) or Hash function, Key rotation algorithm, DES, Rijndael Encryption or AES algorithm. To summarize the performance of these encryption / decryption algorithms measures such as confidentiality, integrity, security etc., were considered. It shows the preferable order is AES, DES and Key rotation algorithms.

Afolabi, A.O [2016] had performed a comparative analysis of some selected cryptographic algorithms and presented the conclusion of results of their analysis as given below:

Encryption algorithms play an important role in communication security where encryption time, memory usage, output byte and battery power are the major issues of concern. The performance evaluation of the selected AES, DES, 3DES and RSA encryption algorithms were carried out based on the encryption time, memory usage, output byte, power consumption rate, flexibility and security. Based on the text files used and the experimental results, it was concluded that AES algorithm consumes least encryption time and AES algorithm has least memory usage. While encryption time difference is very minor in case of AES algorithm and DES algorithm, RSA consumes large encryption time and memory space that is very high. During this analysis it was observed that AES (Rijndael) was the best among all the encryption algorithms in terms of Security, Flexibility, Memory usage, Encryption performance, and power consumption rate [14].

From the above analysis, it is found that AES is the best algorithm among the available algorithms. Hence it is proposed to combine the filtering method with this AES algorithm for minimizing the processing time and thereby increasing the efficiency of the system.

3. Objective

The main objective of this paper is to devise a method by which data should be securely sent and retrieved in a big data environment and at the same time it should not increase any kind of overheads in computation, storage or communication.

4. Proposed Work

One way of providing security to the big data is to encrypt the contents and store them and again decrypt them when requested by valid users. But, when this is applied to the entire volume of data, it will take extra processing time and computational power, which is not desirable. This can be mitigated by applying a new strategy. It is to filter the sensitive data out of the big data and applying encryption to only those sensitive data. Therefore, sensitive data will be stored after encryption, whereas non-sensitive data items will be stored directly without encryption. While retrieving these data items, the encrypted ones will get decrypted and sent to the requesting user, once their authentication is verified by password or other authentication means. This will provide better security without much increase in processing time and power. Also, it provides security against unauthorised access or intrusions.

5 Design and Implementation

In this paper, the following algorithm is used to filter sensitive data out of the data that arrive and to be stored as big data.


Step 1: Start the process.

Step 2: Set the criteria to filter sensitive data from the data that arrive.

Step 3: Check if the data received satisfies the criteria set in step 2.

Step 4: If yes, encrypt and store the data


Store the data.

Step 5: Repeat step 4 until end of data arrival.

Step 6: Stop the process.

This is depicted by the following diagram.

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