Fake Product Review Detection Using Cosine Similarity and Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) Method

Vanathi P, Snehasri SV, Nithiyakalyani G

Department of Information Technology, Agni College of Technology, India

IJTCSE-ISSN 2349–1582

Volume No :10, Issue:02

Accepted for June 2023 Issue


In recent times, product reviews on online shopping sites perform a significant role in product sales since people and organizations strive to learn all of the benefits and drawbacks of a product before purchasing it because there are numerous options for the same thing, as there can be different multiple manufacturers who manufacture the same type of product. There could be a variation in the sellers who provide the product, or there could be a difference in the procedure that is followed while making a purchase of the product, so the reviews can be directly linked with the product’s sales, and thus it is crucial for online services to filter out fake reviews since their own reputation is at stake. Thus, we need a Fake Review Detection System is needed to discover any suspicious reviews because it’s impractical for them to manually check for every review linked with products. So a technology is utilised to try to detect any tendency in the customer reviews. Our review monitoring system makes 6 checks to check for the negative reviews in large datasets. The six kinds of checks are -Review which have dual view, Reviews in which same user promoting or demoting a brand, Reviews in which same IP address is promoting or demoting a brand, Reviews posted as flood by same user, Similar reviews posted in same time frame, meaning less texts in reviews using LSA.

