Secure Intelligence through Dispersed Network in Block Chain

Saranraj P, Naveen N, Sivaraman E

Department of Information Technology, Agni College of Technology, India

IJTCSE-ISSN 2349–1582

Volume No :10, Issue:02

Accepted for June 2023 Issue


In General Centralization system is something known concentration authority at the top level at the contrary decentralized system is something evenly and systematic distribution of authority or simply, Decentralization refers to a specific form of organizational structure where the top management delegates decision-making responsibilities and daily operations to middle and lower subordinates this decentralization system was started to implementation on many application some of the decentralization application like Bittorrent,Tor which is a part of p2p network due to the specification which Delegation of authority to lower management, Faster response time., Quick decision making this system is widely used in many various domains where our project paper proposes to increase purpose of security in trustless transaction, which to increase the crowd funding domain where the transaction is made encrypted or decentralized will increase by finding the transaction without good or bad by using classification technique the trust in both recipient and donor users. In order to strengthen security and win the confidence of both donors and recipients in the crowd funding sector, this was our key goal.

Keywords: Secure Intelligence, Dispersed Network, Blockchain, Decentralized, Distributed Ledger, Immutable, Cryptography, Smart Contracts

