Looking at ourselves through customer eyes

Ikabo Team
Published in
3 min readMar 22, 2017

Today our parent company Squiz introduced us to some local media and a group of like minded customers. What struck us in working together on a press release was the variety and depth of acclaim we have recieved from our own customers.

You see from our inception as a team we have religiously asked customers for honest feedback throughout and at the end of each engagement. It has afforded us some deeply insightful validation in our market along with sagedom to change things fast where they are were not working.

It goes to show what happens when you ask for honest feedback through real conversations with real customers. You might not like all the answers but you will like the results and so will your future customers. We lived it and it’s how we were able to put together this press release that talks about real results:

Ikabo, taps into the collective wisdom of employees to solve and improve real organisational challenges

Ikabo.com the engagement and ideation platform which validates strategic thinking, has officially launched to market globally today as a subsidiary of Squiz, the digital transformation company. Following a growing market demand, Ikabo (formally known as Roadmap) will support organisations throughout their business transformation journey by providing a platform and structured approach empowering employees and customer to have a voice to solve strategic issues.

The flagship product, Ikabo Incubator, harnesses the collective wisdom of organisations through their employees, customers and partners to foster an innovative culture built around agility and responsiveness. As a cloud-based technology, accessible on any device on a 24x7 basis, Ikabo Incubator provides a simple intuitive user interface through which employees engage, contribute and collaborate in solving business challenges.

The platform was built in response to increasingly complex problems, and unprecedented levels of change and uncertainly that organisations are facing. It enables business leaders to easily view and prioritise ideas, and allocate resources to putting ideas into action in a 90 day time frame fostering momentum driven change. Ikabo also offers training and workshops to build confidence and support businesses in transitioning to more digital ways of working and collaborating.

A few Ikabo clients include eftpos, NSW Department of Industry, Griffith University, The University of Adelaide and the Department of Communication and the Arts.

Cindy Lenferna de la Motte, Managing Director of Ikabo, commented

There is an incredible breadth of innovative thinking untapped within today’s workforces. Ikabo Incubator is business leaders’ solution to optimising employee engagement, driving creative problem solving, and validating strategic thinking. We’re thrilled to be launching Ikabo and working with organisations that are prioritising investments in engagement, change readiness and innovation.

Austin Whitehead, Director of Innovation & Productivity at NSW Department of Industry, says some of the key benefits of Ikabo Incubator have been breaking down siloes and driving employee engagement throughout the agency. Mentioning:

It’s very rare to get the opportunity to work together across the organisation to address a single problem,
It’s empowering for staff to know they have an opportunity to participate, their ideas are valued and they have an opportunity to make a difference.

Business owner Christopher M Colfer added,

[Ikabo is] a brilliant product which checks and validates strategic direction faster and more accurately than anything else on the market… A tool that no Chief Executive should be without.



Ikabo Team
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The team behind www.ikabo.com saying 👋 🙋🏻‍♂️ 🙋🏼 📖