Cycling and Seafood BBQ are heavenly in Shimanami islands

Ikechan’s Japanese Food
2 min readJan 27, 2017
Shimanami island

The Shimanami islands are located in the Setonaikai sea between Honsyu, the main island and Shikoku island in Japan. Seven bridges connect these islands. The seventy-kilometer cycling road is on the islands and bridges, and is very popular for cyclists. Cycling on the bridges, you feel like as if you are flying on the sea.

Seafood BBQ in Oshima island

Oshima island has fresh seafood BBQ. You can choose what you want to eat from boxes of live fish, and they are cooked on a charcoal grill. Hamaguri -Asian hard clams- are as big as your fist and waiters help you to grill them, while taking care not to pour out the shell soup. The texture of the Sazae -turban shells- are a bit chewy. The fresh and salty flavor comes out, and it reminds you of a sea breeze. The black part at the tail of it is a liver. It is bitter and goes well with a beer under the blue sky.

Yoshiumi ikiiki kan, Yoshiumichomyo, Imabari, Ehime, Japan

