IKONIC Beta Insights

Published in
2 min readAug 2, 2022


Today we are proud to announce that we have successfully completed our beta testing, thank you all of you for supporting us, and helping us perfect the IKONIC NFT Platform. As you know, the beta lasted more than a month and we have gathered very useful data for the future of IKONIC.

As you all know the platform is going to be a crucial part of our ecosystem in the upcoming months and years. We aspire to be the world’s first esports-dedicated NFT platform. Our intuitive design is built on top of a decentralized platform; for us, your experience is the most important. Players and fans will own the moment with little to no hassle. We’ll have a lively and secure platform for gamers, and esports fans to enjoy.

We have provided a survey for all of the participants of the beta, and today we will share the results with you.

94% of the participants found the platform easy to use,

90% of participants stated that the platform worked as expected,

100% of participants liked the UI Design and the overall website look,

Users rated IKONIC NFT Market 9.1 out of 10.

Following these satisfactory results, we also had some requests from our community members. Therefore we will implement some new features to the platform in the future, some of these features are,

  • Dark / Light Theme Options for Members.
  • Login with Various Accounts (Google, Facebook, etc.)
  • Staking and Vesting, and more.

We will implement these features in the future on the IKONIC NFT platform. We are glad that we were able to conduct a successful beta. As we are gearing towards our launch the collected data will be used as a benchmark for the future.

Our NFT Transaction & Performance Analytics will allow every user to analyze data much more effectively — and efficiently. We will also reveal our Indie Game Incubator for NFT Games in the future. We are here to revolutionize the esports and NFT industry.

Soon, our NFT platform will be fully functional, and we look forward to for our members to start minting their moments and be the next superstar of the esports world. We cannot wait to launch our platform.

IKONIC NFT platform is always improving and we have more exciting news coming up in the future. Stay tuned.

