Metaverse and Esports

Published in
3 min readDec 9, 2021

Gaming became universal over the last decade — it is safe to say we all know someone that plays games. Gaming became a unique form of entertainment for us. This universality of gaming brings many opportunities with it. So how did gaming become suddenly universal, and mainstream?

Well, the answer is actually mobile gaming. Over the last decade, we have seen a shift in gaming, with the emergence of smartphones. This allowed gaming to enter every household. When you take a look at gaming today, we can see that mobile gaming is bigger than PC and console gaming combined. Since nearly everyone has a smartphone, everyone has access to games.

Gaming also gave birth to esports. Today millions of people follow esports teams, even though there are still discussions about its recognition, esports has one of the biggest fan bases around the world. The younger generation prefers esports over traditional sports.

Just take a look at the recent news from football. Real Madrid president, Florentino Perez stated that the young people are not watching football anymore thus they needed a new competition called ESL. While the ESL project was burned down by football fans, his remarks were true. Young people are born into a digital world and they prefer digital entertainment. Esports was not regarded highly but over time people accepted it and today even the Olympics are forced to allow esports to some degree.

Today esports is a multi-billion dollar industry with millions of fans. The organizations have big fan bases and each event is watched by hundreds of thousands of people.

But esports needs a leap and that leap will happen with metaverse.

Metaverse and Esports

We live in the physical world, everything you touch or interact with is in the physical world. Now close your eyes and imagine it being digital. That is pretty much the gist, that is what we call “metaverse”.

This digital world will also have digital sports and that brings us to a merge between esports and metaverse. It will be accessible by everyone and metaverse will be the new setting for esports.

This idea of accessibility, participation, and engagement will be one of the biggest factors that will propel esports to new heights. The communities will thrive in the digital world and esports will be integrated into the metaverse much easier since the concept of esports is already digital.

The metaverse will also bring in a new influx of players, and new game genres will emerge. Esports events will be live in the metaverse where fans will join and watch events as easily as watching it on Twitch.

In fact, we already started to see it happening with some of the games.

Fortnite is a great example of a game that showed us what is possible. A basic battle royale game became a venue open to all players. Within Fortnite, we have seen several concerts already from prominent names such as Scott Travis and Marshmello. They have created more than a dozen events over the last few years.

This will attract new brands into the esports world. The luxury brands are no strangers to esports, but with the force of metaverse, there will be even more engagement and this will be a force that brands will take advantage of.

NFTs will play a big role in the metaverse as well. Fans will access events with NFT tickets. Teams will generate much more income because of accessibility from all over the world.

It will not happen immediately but slowly and surely we will see a shift into the metaverse, esports just needs a push.

An IKONIC Approach

Esports needs a spark to step into the metaverse and we believe that spark will be with IKONIC. NFTs are not integrated very well into the esports world yet. Until now we have seen many different approaches but it still does not capture the essence of what esports is all about.

What defines an esports player is not an NFT in the form of an artwork or a digital jersey, what defines them is their gameplay, that split-second gameplays that we all love to watch.

IKONIC will show the players that they can earn with their passion. Fans will have access to these moments and collect them. They will OWN THE MOMENT!

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