The Shit Exchange

Enrico Buonamiglia
Il Macchiato


Does anybody give a shit anymore? I don’t. I’m not sure if it’s due to my own advancing age, or to the fatigue of our whole society, but things seem a little different now. Perhaps you could call it maturity. Where once I gave a shit, about things small and big—with haloes of meaning crackling softly around everything—now I don’t give a shit at all. It’s also worth noting that I don’t take as much shit as I did before. I don’t give a shit, and I hardly take it.

With the future as uncertain as ever, you’d expect more involvement in the course of events, personal and societal. When there appear to be more possibilities, people should double their efforts to steer their lives toward the most pleasing paths. But strangely, the opposite is true. Today we can easily imagine desolate or chromium tomorrows. Nobody, however, gives a shit. Nobody cares. And nobody is taking any shit either.

The shit exchange, once a thrumming marketplace of human passion, is deserted.

