il manifesto
il manifesto global
4 min readOct 6, 2015


il mani­fe­sto is an Ita­lian natio­nal daily newspaper

il manifesto — About us

We are a publi­shing coo­pe­ra­tive of jour­na­lists and wor­kers esta­bli­shed “in the belief that the col­lec­tive owner­ship of a new­spa­per and its self-management on the part of those who pro­duce it are essen­tial to ensure the inde­pen­dence and auto­nomy of infor­ma­tion from eco­no­mic inte­rests and poli­ti­cal power” (see our sta­tute, in Ita­lian).

Our goal is “to be an original form of politics, to critically interpret the contradictions of contemporary capitalism, to give voice to the needs of those who suffer, inspired by the values of democracy, freedom and equality, which guide all our information activities and are the rules of our inner life”.

The coo­pe­ra­tive is gover­ned by the prin­ci­ple of mutua­lity, is a non-profit which does not distri­bute dividends.

The main organ of the coo­pe­ra­tive is the gene­ral assem­bly, which — in accor­dance with the prin­ci­ple of “one per­son, one vote” — in turn elects the Board of Admi­ni­stra­tion and the Edi­tor in Chief of the newspaper.

While it still calls itself “com­mu­nist” in the name, il mani­fe­sto is not con­nec­ted to any poli­ti­cal party nor orga­ni­za­tion. We are com­ple­tely inde­pen­dent and open-minded.

Il mani­fe­sto was foun­ded as a mon­thly review in 1969 by a col­lec­tive of radi­cal, left-wing and com­mu­nist jour­na­lists and since 1971 it is a daily (April 28th 1971).

Our postal address is via Angelo Bar­goni 8, 00153, Rome, Italy.

Our paper cir­cu­la­tion is well above 15,000 copies/daily, which is not so bad in the Ita­lian mar­ket. We are the smal­lest of the Ita­lian natio­nal new­spa­pers. Plus, we also have more than 3,000 paper and digi­tal sub­scrip­tions, which is a nota­ble per­cen­tage on the daily cir­cu­la­tion in the Ita­lian decli­ning new­spa­per market.

In short, il mani­fe­sto is a well-known and respec­ted, Euro­pean daily paper of the left.

Dustin Hoffman for il manifesto — photo Luca Celada for il manifesto

“Despite cri­tics from poli­ti­cal oppo­nents on its con­tents, il mani­fe­sto is regar­ded almost una­ni­mou­sly as a nota­ble exam­ple of crea­tive and cle­ver jour­na­lism”. Wiki­pe­dia

We are based in Rome (Italy), where we have about 45 employees.

We also have regu­lar cor­re­spon­dents from New York, Los Ange­les, Cairo, Athens, Paris, Jeru­sa­lem, London, Madrid, Bar­ce­lona, Bei­jing, Mum­bai, Milan, Naples, Flo­rence, Turin and Palermo.

Our main products:

What makes il mani­fe­sto stand out from the crowd

On the edi­to­rial side, our main cha­rac­te­ri­stics are our covers and head­li­nes (for the elec­tion of pope Bene­dict XVI, for exam­ple, we titled “The Ger­man She­perd”, which after many years is still one of our world-wide suc­ces­ses) and our radi­cal approach to poli­tics and journalism.

Cover for the election of pope Benedict XVI, “The German sheperd”

In 40 years of acti­vi­ties, we have won seve­ral jour­na­lism pri­zes either for our repor­ta­ges or for our covers.

On the cor­po­rate side, il mani­fe­sto is almost uni­que in the Western market.

The pro­perty of the new­spa­per is a “coo­pe­ra­tiva”, a non-profit orga­ni­za­tion made up only of the peo­ple who work at the paper. The full time man­gers are wor­kers and jour­na­lists elec­ted direc­tly by the workers/members of the cooperativa.

So we are com­ple­tely inde­pen­dent from poli­ti­cal par­ties and eco­no­mi­cal enti­ties. Due to our “com­mu­nist” way of life, every employee of the paper recei­ves the same salary, from the Editor-in-Chief to the secretaries.

il manifesto is a non-profit organization, edited and completely managed by its workers.

We have a rather strong com­mu­nity (social net­works, let­ters, events, forums).

Il mani­fe­sto is active on a face­book page (192K+ fans), twit­ter (83K+ fol­lo­wers), goo­gle+, pin­te­rest, insta­gram, tum­blr and foursquare.

This is our time­line and our sta­tute (in Ita­lian).

Jane Fonda for il manifesto. Photo Luca Celada for il manifesto
il manifesto is already published on the web and iOS / Android Apps

Find us at and on iOS and Android apps.

Originally published at

