Pinterest as Curation Portal

Ennio Martignago
Il Segno Chiaro | Zenware&Productivity
1 min readMay 25, 2015

Long since I returned to visit Pinterest: too many images of fashion, gadgets and imitation of glossy women’s magazines. Everything was far away from my references. So, after a few attempts decidedly not effective to combine the «pushpin» with the board of the interesting things, I left out this latest toy web.

This morning, coming from one of the portals of curation most traditional and interesting, but it is also less friendly called I am casually returned to the crime scene.

So I found a new Pinterest, not so much for the platform itself, but for acquaintances. Now there was a lot more interesting in a friendly environment, instead of the usual frivolous trinkets.

I decided that from now Pinterest will again be one of my favorite areas, not so much as a generic social networks, but just as a tool for curation next to Flipboard and (just hoping that one day the mobile App is up to the Web portal).



Ennio Martignago
Il Segno Chiaro | Zenware&Productivity

Master of curiosity and soul sharing, “circlesquaring man” and builder of impossible balancing; ph. d. in psychesoterology, freedomosophy and managemanarchy