3 reasons to speed up your development process

Guilherme Sesterheim
Published in
3 min readNov 13, 2017

When a company needs a software to operate some process, the usual first step is to look at the market for something ready to be used.

When this software regards a vital core process, the decision of developing something new has to be taken. Whenever the decision of making good quality software is taken, it will probably take considerable time and will be expensive. The companies already know that. What if we could make the process of developing software shorter than usual? Why to invest on delivering software faster?

Work efficiency

The majority of companies of all segments have a backlog of internal desired software, and they are commonly generated by the IT area itself but also by the business areas. Since the business areas are requiring more and more software, we can see a move of the automation mindset coming up. The business areas have been understanding that if they manage to spend less time in routine tasks, which can be done by anyone, they will have more time to let people actually think on their jobs.

When people spend less time doing routine tasks, they have more time to criticize the process itself. This kind of will is amazing, because then the companies have the people who know best the process, actually thinking to improve it. Once a process is improved, less money is spent, or more money is made. Then we are actually improving the business.

IDC states that companies which managed to implement OpenShift, and used that to deliver software, had a 531% of average ROI in a 5 years time window. Also other technologies, such as Google G Suite, can speed up the development of software to meet simple workloads. So why not use fast development platforms and practices to speed up this backlog need?

Go-to-market speed up

Months being used to reach some point in that software is not an acceptable strategy anymore. The more time you spend developing something, the more likely that something will be to not fit the market. And right now that is the main concern of every CIO of companies who sell their products straight to final consumers.

Since the market is being flooded with a lot of new solutions, the software development speed must be increased. How can a startup put out a new reliable idea after a weekend? And how can it and put it to work after one or two months? If they can do that having no money, the big companies should do that easily right? This is the way the big companies will avoid to be replaced. IDC also states that the development life cycle can be accelerated by 66% using OpenShift.

Technological independence

Once you can find a platform or well defined process to always develop on top of it, a pattern will be created. The more they are used, the more familiar will be to your development team to use it. Beyond the spared time to set up a new project, the whole IT cost will be reduced:

  • The IT team productivity is improved: once there is a pattern to develop, it’s easier to run a new project, to train people and also to the OPS team to support that;
  • Infrastructure cost is reduced: when the team has knowledge about containers and microservices, the decision about which cloud to use can be changed easily. Then it’s faster to change to a new cloud provider with best cost benefit trade-off;



Guilherme Sesterheim
Writer for

Sharing experiences on IT subjects. Working for AWS. DevOps, Kubernetes, Microservices, Terraform, Ansible, and Java