Faith Revivified

After Peering into the Abyss

Bright Okeye
3 min readMay 7, 2023


Believe in something or fall for anything

Life is full of ups and downs. Sometimes we feel like we are on top of the world, and other times we feel like we are drowning in the depths of despair. When we experience a traumatic event or a deep personal struggle, we may feel like we are peering into the abyss, staring into the dark void of nothingness. At times like this, it can be difficult to have faith in life, let alone anything else. However, there are steps you can take to revivify your faith in life and find meaning and purpose once again.

The first step to reviving your faith in life is to acknowledge your pain and struggle. It’s okay to feel lost, hurt, or hopeless. You are not alone in your struggles. Many people have faced similar challenges and have come out on the other side stronger and more resilient. Allow yourself to feel the pain and embrace it as a natural part of the human experience. Avoid suppressing your emotions or pretending everything is okay when it’s not. Acknowledge your pain and give yourself permission to feel it.

The next step is to seek support from others. Talk to trusted friends or family members, or consider reaching out to a professional counselor or therapist. Sharing your feelings and experiences with others can help you process your emotions and gain a new perspective. A therapist can provide you with the tools and guidance you need to cope with your struggles and find hope for the future.

Another way to revivify your faith in life is to engage in self-care. This may involve taking time for yourself, engaging in activities that bring you joy, or focusing on your physical health. Exercise, a healthy diet, and good sleep habits can all help improve your mood and energy levels. Meditation, mindfulness, and yoga can also help you find inner peace and tranquility.

One of the most powerful ways to revivify your faith in life is to find purpose and meaning. This may involve rediscovering your passions and interests or volunteering your time to help others. Helping others can provide a sense of fulfillment and purpose that can help you overcome feelings of hopelessness and despair. Whether it’s volunteering at a local shelter, mentoring a young person, or participating in a community event, find ways to contribute to the world around you.

It’s important to cultivate a positive mindset. Focus on the good things in your life and practice gratitude for what you have. Surround yourself with positive people who uplift and inspire you. Read inspiring books or listen to podcasts that motivate and encourage you. By shifting your focus from the negative to the positive, you can see life’s beauty again.

In conclusion, peering into the abyss can be a daunting experience. However, it’s important to remember that you are not alone in your struggles. By acknowledging your pain, seeking support, engaging in self-care, finding purpose and meaning, and cultivating a positive mindset, you can revivify your faith in life and find hope for the future. Life is a journey with ups and downs, but it’s up to us to choose how we navigate it. Choose hope, choose faith, and choose to believe that better days are ahead.



Bright Okeye

A thinker delving into the ever-expanding space of articles to quell his insatiable appetite for insight