Rapid Precision of a Pure Heart

The pure heart is a spotless mirror in which images of infinite beauty are reflected.

Bright Okeye
4 min readApr 4, 2023


My strength is as the strength of ten because my heart is pure.— Alfred Lord Tennyson

In life, it is not always about how fast you achieve success, but rather the purity of your intentions and the precision of your actions. Having a pure heart means staying true to your values, being honest with yourself and others, and striving for excellence in all that you do. When combined with the rapid precision of your actions, success is inevitable. Here are five famous quotes to deliver the key points of this inspirational article:

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” — Mahatma Gandhi

A pure heart is one that is dedicated to serving others. When your intentions are selfless and your actions are focused on helping others, success will come naturally. The rapid precision of your actions will be guided by the purity of your heart. By dedicating oneself to serving others, one may forget about their own problems and needs and instead focus on the needs of those they are serving. This selfless act can lead to a sense of fulfillment and purpose that can help an individual discover their true values, strengths, and passions.

In other words, by shifting the focus away from oneself and onto others, one can gain perspective and clarity on their own life and purpose. It suggests that serving others can be a path to personal growth and self-discovery.

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” — Winston Churchill

The road to success is paved with failures and setbacks. But when you have a pure heart and a relentless determination to succeed, you will find the courage to continue. The rapid precision of your actions will be fueled by your unwavering commitment to your goals. Success and failure are not permanent states, but rather temporary and fluid conditions. It implies that even when one experiences success, one cannot rest on their laurels or become complacent, as success is not a final destination, but rather a continuous journey.

Similarly, when one experiences failure, it does not mean that they are defeated or cannot recover. Failure is not a fatal condition that permanently ends one’s aspirations or ambitions. Instead, it is an opportunity to learn and grow from one’s mistakes and move forward with renewed determination.

The quote emphasizes that what truly counts is the courage to continue, despite obstacles and setbacks. It suggests that persistence and determination are essential qualities in achieving success, regardless of the difficulties one may encounter along the way. Ultimately, the quote encourages individuals to persevere through both success and failure and to remain steadfast in their pursuit of their goals.

“The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” — Steve Jobs

When you have a pure heart, you are driven by passion and love for what you do. Your actions are guided by a deep sense of purpose, and you approach every task with enthusiasm and dedication. The rapid precision of your actions will be a reflection of your love for your work.

In order to achieve great success in one’s work, it is essential to have a genuine passion and love for what one is doing. It implies that simply going through the motions or doing something for the sake of financial gain or societal pressure may not lead to the same level of achievement as doing something that one truly loves.

When one has a genuine passion for their work, it can provide a sense of purpose and meaning that drives them to strive for excellence. It also makes it easier to put in the necessary time and effort required to excel in that field, as the work itself is inherently rewarding and fulfilling.

Furthermore, loving what one does can also lead to a positive attitude, creativity, and innovation. When someone enjoys their work, they are more likely to approach it with enthusiasm, curiosity, and an open mind, which can lead to breakthrough ideas and solutions.

Purity gives rise to success

In conclusion, having a pure heart and rapid precision in your actions is a winning combination for success. When your intentions are selfless, your actions are guided by passion and purpose, and your decisions are rooted in honesty and integrity, success becomes inevitable. The rapid precision of your actions will be a reflection of the purity of your heart, and you will achieve greatness in all that you do.



Bright Okeye

A thinker delving into the ever-expanding space of articles to quell his insatiable appetite for insight