Skepticism — Pros and Cons

Taking everything with a pinch of salt

Bright Okeye
Published in
4 min readOct 12, 2022


One of the beautiful things that life presented to humans is the ability to take independent choices regardless of the consequences that may arise. The Christian doctrine of the fall of man is based on this attribute — ‘free will’ as it is called.

Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities?
Photo by Sander Sammy

This free will can be intoxicating, succumbing to its pull can have grave consequences and an abuse of it can prove fatal. One of the numberless gifts that free will presents to us is skepticism

What is Skepticism?

According to Wikipedia, skepticism or scepticism is a questioning attitude or doubt toward knowledge claims that are seen as mere belief or dogma. Other definitions see skepticism as an attitude of doubt or a disposition to incredulity either in general or toward a particular object. But I see it as taking everything with a pinch of salt. It is a disagreeable trait that is either good or bad, depending on its usage.

Characteristics Of Skeptics

There are three visibly noticeable characteristics that skeptics possess, these characteristics are not bound by age or class, they include:

1. A Constant delve for knowledge

Skepticism itself is stems from a zeal to know more. Most skeptics are knowledgeable in various areas of life. The love for knowledge is a driving force, a fuel for their inquisition and disposition. A skeptic tries to engage in intellectual conversations, most of which he/she is well-versed. When introduced to a topic with little or no knowledge of it, skeptics listen and pick up research materials, after which they return better prepared to make an argument based on what was researched. Sometimes their research and arguments, this is can be due to sentiments that may arise from their point of view. Convincing a skeptic is very difficult and it requires patience, time and overwhelming evidence.

2. A mind full of questions

Skepticism goes hand-in-hand with arguement.
Photo by Jessica Da Rosa

The mind of a skeptic is filled with questions, doubt and theories. Differing opinion will most likely lead to arguments. Right and wrong doesn’t matter to a skeptic, only answers, clarifications and evidence.

3. Withheld perspicacity

When engaging a skeptic in an argument and it gets heated, it is important that one does not lose his cool or take things to heart. Skeptics are filled with questions so they withhold judgement.

This attribute is important for information gathering. A sceptic is not willing to accept facts and information, even when it is obvious to others , instead the request for proof, justification and physical evidence will be required.

4. Self-confidence

If there is one trait that resonates with all skeptics, it would be self-confidence. This is due to the constant questioning and answer sessions they go through. A level of confidence is required to engage in a conversation with the aim of coming out victorious and with each engagement, lessons are learnt and experience is gained.

“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” — Eleanor Roosevelt
Photo by Ahmed Carter

Self-confidence is a suit for a skeptic. Even in the face of defeat, a skeptic maintains pride and self-confidence. Defeat simply means ‘do better’ as victory is expected always.

This self-confidence usually earns skeptics opponents and even haters as they are termed proud and know-it-alls.

5. Interpersonal Relationship with others

Due to constant verbal engagements, skeptics have sound interpersonal knowledge. They are very perceptive and can sense changes in human characters. They are also good judge of characters and are sometimes difficult to lead on.

This works well for information gathering as they can sense uncertainties during engagement and giving judgement. This trait adds flavor to the aura of self-confidence they exude.

6. Introspective and Self-determining

Skeptics are introspective, outspoken and radical. They possess self-determining traits, leading to non-conformance to rules. They are ready to challenge authority when others will cower and look the other way.

Skepticism is the seed that sprouts protests for revolutionay changes
Photo by Aiden Craver

This attribute sees skeptics at the forefront of protests and revolutions. Be it taking of stand against norms, advocating for change — both positive and negative — leadership positions or opposing policies, skeptics are found in abundance.



Bright Okeye

A thinker delving into the ever-expanding space of articles to quell his insatiable appetite for insight