5 SME New Years Resolutions

Catherine Hu
Published in
3 min readJan 3, 2019
Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

2019 is on the horizon, which means it’s time to sit down, reflect on the year past, and make plans for the future. When it comes to a SME, you want the best for your operation, which means you want to grow in sales, take on more clients, and hire more staff. In order to get to that point, you need to set tangible goals that push you and your operation to reach for more.

The New Year is a perfect time to kick that into gear, which is why we’re going to share our top 5 SME New Years Resolutions to consider in the next few weeks:

1. Embrace Productivity Tools:

Tech tools and accessories are launching left and right, which means these new tools can help you expedite business processes and offer even more in a fraction of the time. Consider workplace management software or new equipment that automates processes you recently had to manage personally. Modernize your operation into the future, starting in 2019.

2. Organize and Clean:

No, we don’t mean physically cleaning the place (although that is value for sales, too). We’re talking about organizing the entire business structure. Are you aware of every person who did business with you last year? Do you have all of your profit and losses statements in order? Do you know the big business picture? Take some time to get all of your ducks in a row.

3. Embrace Feedback:

Whether you have one business partner or 10 employees, ask everyone for their feedback. What do they feel like you could be doing differently this year to be more successful? Encourage everyone to share their feedback so they feel like part of the conversation at hand. It’s a great way to bring everyone together.

4. Update Communication Channels:

How does everyone communicate right now? Are messages sent via email, text, Facebook Messenger, and WhatsApp? Are you able to pin down conversations that are important? Think about centralizing communication this year so you and your team can work more cohesively for greater sales and client support.

5. Local Community Immersion:

Do you feel like you are disconnected from your community? Do you wish more people knew about your company and what you have to offer, even if it is all digital? Make 2019 the year in which you integrate more fully into your local community. Local consumers can be some of the most loyal and reliable consumers, using word of mouth marketing to get your brand name out there. Invite them into the picture.

Here at iLINK, we’re using blockchain technology to create a geosocial hub for all of the SMEs looking to go local. Take your digital services, gig economy offerings, and bookings to local consumers this year. If you’re ready to acquire a new bloc of clients, you can meet them right in your own backyard.



Catherine Hu

Co-Founder, CMO at iLINK I Entrepreneur I Blockchain I Fintech I eCommerce I SaaS