How Spotify Impress The Music Lovers

Reyhan Javier
Ilkomerz IPB
Published in
6 min readSep 6, 2017

Spotify, generally speaking, is one of streaming music app legendary in Indonesia. You could browse any music you want, any music you need to hear only by connecting to internet without kicking your storage out. I put my interest to write about spotify because it really save my ears. Before knowing spotify, i always looking for any hype-like music on youtube (which is take more cellular data just to looking for music and browsing on it) or getting my uncle’s library music that at least like released a year ago.

For most music lovers, listening to music is one of their main course anytime and anywhere. Listening to only for one genre music or listening for a set of music library over and over would irritating for them. even though internet already prepare bunch of new library music for them, doesnt mean finding it will be easy. Fortunately, spotify will save you pals !

If you are kind of pirater who frustated to download your favorite music one by one on the internet, kind of people who buy original cd music and wants more but stricted by your saving,or people who always save the music until reach hundred gigs and killing your storage,this app surely will suit you well.

So right now we will talking why spotify will be such a heaven for music lovers :

  1. Simple Design

Spotify use a simple design appealing to improve the desirability when you are looking for your favorite music while you comfortably play a song. They use flat design for the UI and duotone for the thumbnail on playlist carousel. You could find that the UI are not quite full of content nor feel gloomy because of the color tone. You will never feel bored or annoyed while you use this app, guaranteed. Unless you are not opening the app.

2. Made Only For You

Even if Spotify’s Home only filled with bunch of carousel with title, you will quite notice that you will find your music with ease there. The first carousel were designed base on your usage to play the music you want. If you were listening on electronic music a few days ago, spotify will find the similar music and grouping it in 1 playlist. They call it “Daily mix”. On different case, spotify will make a playlist called “Discover weekly”, a playlist of similar music that you played the most. Mine will get renewed only on monday, i dont know it will be the same for yours. There will be another playlist called “weekly radar” but only filled with the latest music from artist you care about.

For sure Spotify have another playlist’s carousel that will surprise you, but only the carousel you care most will displayed on top of the home.

Daily mix always updated everyday when there is a new song come.

3. Browse any music you want

Get bored on your latest playback? you could find another fantastic song on browse. Anything here from bunch of playlist based on trending, chart, new releases, genre even stories ! Astounding right?

Even if the home get any similar UI with browse, you would find that home is your “planet”, and browse is “the other space”. You can still build a good home living while you surfing around for another decoration right?

4. Unique Playback

Spotify’s playback have similar feel like any common media player. The different is it is so simple. You will notice that the background use gradient to get away the bored like usual playback with black or white background only.

The thing that i surprised is the icon on left of the song’s title. It will change to tick only if you like the song and then it will get into your own playlist.

You could rearrange the playlist with ease. Just click the icon beside the song’s title, drag and drop and thats it.

5. GLUE Concept

If you think spotify use a glue to fix their app or they are selling a glue with “spotify” brand, no it isnt. GLUE stands for “Global Languange, Unified Experience”. GLUE has been used for a design team there and use it as their mission to make a good thing on spotify’s design. They stated that an app using difference UI on every device in their service is a “mistake”. When user want to change to another device to play the music, they have to think about how to use the app “Twice” ! Right hurt in the butt huh? It’s been great if user are a fast learner, whay if they change into the other app and leave spotify just because of that? “Aw man my own default media player could be better than this, such awful”.

So to make a better future for spotify, GLUE team do such a great reparation for the UI and UX of course. They even make a bunch of UI toolkit and the guidelines for the design’s rule. It stated that the team consist of designer and engineer to make sure the UI really work.

Spotify old times , You could see that the design on the mobile and desktop really different..
Spotify today. GLUE concept have a strong feel here, thare are not much difference between the mobile and desktop app

6. Connected everywhere

Spotify have ability to play the music on any device that we used. Spotify used on desktop, mobile, and web ! You dont need to replay your song when you are going to change to another device. with connected device feature, you can move your playback from mobile to desktop with ease.

Kamu can use the playback on smartphone then play the music on desktop and otherwise!

7. Connected with others

You can connected with other people that listen the same music like yours or looking for what the others listen to, based on your friends on facebook if you connecting your spotify with it. Unfortunately it only availabe on spotify desktop.

On right, there are “find friend” section to see what your friends are listening up to.

8. Want to go to concert? check spotify !

One of spotify’s feature is concert finder that display any concert date that will come around you, we even could see the ticket available if we having trouble find it. A feature that make user dont need to open up a browser anymore to find the ticket.

9. Powerful setting

Spotify have powerful and simple setting. Not to much you would find there (even an equalizer) but you can feel great experience if you change just 1 setting right there.

You could make a gapless playback, play new song when earlier will be finish (crossfade), download your song to access it offline and offline to prevent your cellular data or wifi flowing to your spotify.

You could change the quality too!

Unique feature to fit on user’s need. You could use extreme quality to feel great experience on your song or normal quality to normalize your internet usage.

Bonus: Fact Track !

Recently i’m listening on this Avicii’s new track called “without you” and i found this feature from Spotify + Genius. in a rare case this feature will be available to give some trivia to any user about the background of music they listen to. Cause it only display on static text, sometimes it will display the lyric too.

