Let’s create your own game

Wiradani Ramadhan
Ilkomerz IPB
Published in
4 min readSep 15, 2017

First thing first, i am not a professional game developer. I am just an ordinary students currently studying on computer science major and very interested in game development. I also already have a team with me as game designer and already create 3 mobile games that playable but not ready to be publish yet.

I wanna to share my little knowladge about how to make a game. For me being a gamer is not enough, i wanna be the pearson who make the game. And I find that create your own game is not an easy task, but its challenging and rewarding in the end.

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”
Lao Tzu

Who is your target?

Before you start sketching, first you must know who will play your game. Its diffrent to make a game for kids and teenager. For example,kids are very simple minded. They do not know complex system like in RPG game, they only play to have fun, therefore you should desaign game that is very simple and don’t have complex rules.

And you should considering, there are two types of user who will play your game. Actually, there are many types of user, but I like to catagorize them in two catagory. First is the one who focus on gameplay. Whatever the story or even the art is bad, as long as the gamplay is fun and unique this kind of user will play your game. The second type of user is the stroy type. They like the stroy of your game and it doesn’t matter if your gameplay just point click, as long as the story interesting they will play your game as much as they feel like it.

Let’s begin developing

When you begin developing your game, you can start making the prototype using game engine like Unity, Unreal engine, construct 2 or you can start with paper prototyping. Create a sketch of your game, it is simple but make other people understand the game you trying to make.

Here is my early sketch of the game i am trying to make,Hero’s of Nusantara

This the better version of my sketch

Just my opinion, but I think it is improtant to make sektech on paper first rather jump in design using application, not just when you make video games but it can be applied to other software development. This way, you have the big picture of the application you are going to make and it is very easy to make improvement about it.

here is the final version, coding with unity

test,improve,test,improve and repeat again

The first ten game you make will be suck. It is not me that say that, but this is the sentence you will find when you read this book.

really good book you should consider to read

My team and I already create 3 game and all of them all suck on market standard. Like I said before, they are playable but not ready to be
released yet. Not that I don’t know the game I make is suck but I’m still not giving up.I tested it on my friends and take a note for what is that need to be fix and keep it going on, of course because my limited knowladge of coding in unity that can be a problem. In the end you really need to learn about programming and object oriented programing to make your game better.

I’m not an expert of game design,I too still need learn a lot of thins, but I hoped that you will create your own game too. And do not be afraid if your game is bad or suck, improve it over and over again and you will feel satisfied when you see someone having fun when playing your game.

if you want to see the video just follow this link:




Wiradani Ramadhan
Ilkomerz IPB

Full Stack Software Engineer , IPB Computer Science Graduated