One reader mentioned that this appears to be a classic lens-flare, and this seems likely. I chose to keep this image due to its historical nature.

Aerial Anomalies and … Visitors : The UFO/UAP Phenomenon

Darin Stevenson
The Pivot


No modern exploration of the nature of the Sky would be complete without the inclusion of the topic of UFO’s and the possibility of contact with non-human intelligences of either extra- or crypto-terrestrial origin. In this essay my primary concern will be to elucidate the interpretations and ideas of modern societies as regards these phenomena (which, it is clear, were certainly familiar to many ancient and indigenous cultures around the world nearly all of whom had little or no exposure to human-engineered mechanine technologies. In fact, many indigenous ontologies (world-images) present the belief that humans ‘come from the sky’, and that these peoples are still in contact/relation with ‘sky beings’).


Our ontologies are the world-images, associations, central ideas, and cultural milieu within which our experiences acquire meaning and identity. Our linguistic systems are, effectively, the underlying foundations of our ontologies and expectations about the nature of phenomena. I would suggest that modern ontologies are missing crucial categories whose absence effectively blinds us to much of what is actually accessible to human experience, thought and imagination. The root-concepts in our lexicons are badly damaged by abstraction; indigenous languages have entirely different basic…

