Darin Stevenson
The Pivot
Published in
2 min readJul 24, 2024

Avoid the habit of promoting some theory or idea to the degree that it appears to declare the nature of reality, being or organisms.

The first action in this species of error is the evacuation of the universe.

Impossibly infinite sophistication and relational intimacies beyond all imagining are discarded. In that void, some description is enthroned.

Reverse the polarity of this figuration in the structure of thought and consciousness.

Models of reality are variously accurate and fictional, to differing degrees, in differing contexts. But they are sketches of twigs made in the shadow of a living world and its forests.

None of these are trees.

Or skies.

Or worlds.

They are sketches.

Just as there is no cartoon that can stand in the place of the Earth, there is no model that encompasses and then declares the nature of reality — of which all models, comprise, by necessity, abstractions…derivations… concept-toys— however practical or partial a grasp the methods from which the model originates may be held to be in some specific context.

No context is all contexts.

No answer entirely universal*

Minds are not museums for models of relation or reality. They are, instead, their origin.

Don’t trade your hands for an image drawn for abstract others in laboratories or bibles.

Let images be images, and minds be as they must and will … beyond them.

  • This is not specifically an answer, and its universality is negational, rather than declarative, and such linguistic figures have a nonordinary topology in human thought, speech and consciousness.

I am insatiably curious about the nature of living beings, intelligence, language, and nearly everything else. I hope my work may contribute to our ability to assemble the authentic sources of what our modern cultures are but the broken remnants and falsified costumes of. Together. With and for each other and our world.


( My writing is a gift that I hope may inspire speculation, wonder, discovery and new relationships. If you enjoy it, kindly take a moment to share it, connect with me personally, comment, correct me, or tap the Recommend button ⇩ ☺ )

