You Night-A Breakthrough for Women

Taylor Nettle
Illegally Blonde
Published in
3 min readNov 30, 2020


For more information,

Taylor Nettle, Video Editor


(HAMMOND, LA) You Night Empowering Events is changing the lives of cancer-surviving women in New Orleans and St. Tammany Parish.

Through a nine-month process, these women learn that cancer does not define them. Their experience culminates in an end-of-event fashion show fundraiser, the next of which will be held Nov. 6 through Nov. 8.

The women of You Night Empowering Events endure months of training to better themselves after going through cancer treatments and surgeries. The women go to many meetings, therapy sessions, and a retreat where they learn new things about themselves and remember who they are.

Founder Lisa McKenzie envisioned this company in May 2013, with the idea to create an empowerment experience for cancer survivors and those currently battling cancer in New Orleans and St. Tammany Parish.

McKenzie is very passionate about You Night and strives to create a mind blowing experience for not only the women, but their families and friends.

“We partner with area hospitals and physicians to offer a safe place for cancer patients to land, where they are surrounded by their peers and involved in year-round uplifting and empowering experiences to help them through their darkest moments,” McKenzie said.

McKenzie’s mission is to be a provider of emotional healthcare for these women.

McKenzie explains, “Emotional healing is a critical part of health care, but often an underserved area of treatment. Physicians simply don’t have time during office visits to address the PTSD associated with a cancer diagnosis.”

The program, since 2013, has had over 800 participants searching for a sisterhood of support. The women participate in group painting therapy where they paint surgery scars on a canvas to overcome their physical insecurities.

Along with this the women tell their story to peers and go through interviews and photoshoots. Each woman has a video story made individually for them and aired to the audience the day of the fall runway show.

2020 You Night member, Suzanne Abney, sat down during her interview for her video story where she talked about You Night’s three-day retreat.

“The retreat was definitely my favorite part; spending a weekend with these ladies and sharing our stories helps me feel comfortable to share my story. You Night is my place to be vulnerable, but strong at the same time.” she said.

Abney has grown significantly through You Night and feels her life is “reinvented and a new beginning.” Abney is only one example of the hundreds of women You Night has transformed into a brave leader in the cancer community.

You Night has become a fundamental in many women’s lives and has built them into fortresses of strength and bravery. All proceeds of You Night go towards the emotional needs of women diagnosed with cancer.

To watch this year’s fall runway show, tickets can be bought on You Nights website and donations can be made through their website,


You Night Empowering Events is a support group with a goal to teach and help cancer survivors overcome the challenges that come with cancer. The team creates a second family for the women who go through the program providing them with security to be themselves and better themselves. For more information about You Night Empowering Events, please visit or call 877–591–5936.



Taylor Nettle
Illegally Blonde
Editor for

A struggling college student, with some mediocre ideas and views that her professor helps her express in a not-so mediocre manner.