
Online DUI Classes DUI Risk Education
DUI Risk Education, DUI Classes, Online DUI Risk Education

Rogerian Solutions is licensed in the State of Illinois to deliver DUI Risk Education, DUI Early Intervention Services, and Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment Services. Majority of fist time Illinois DUI offenders are required to complete 10 hours of DUI Risk Education, and/or 12-hours of DUI Early Intervention Services. However, depending on the offender’s DUI Risk Classification indicated within his or her DUI Evaluation, the offender can be required to complete 20-hours of substance use disorder treatment services in addition to the completion of DUI Risk Education. There are also times when a DUI offender can be required to complete 75-hours of treatment.

The required completion of clinical substance use disorder treatment services typically result from the offender having a BAC of .20 or greater at the time of his or her arrest, and/or he or she is a subsequent DUI offender, and/or displayed 2-symptoms or greater of a substance use disorder within his or her lifetime. Risk classification determination is based on prior DUI offenses, BAC results or refusal of testing, and the number of identified substance use disorder symptoms within the offender’s evaluation. An additional assessment is required prior to placing a patient into treatment in order to determine an appropriate level of care such as outpatient, intensive outpatient, or residential treatment. At times, level of care placement can be fluid depending on the client’s progress or lack of during his or her treatment episode. Nevertheless, in order for the offender to remain in compliance with the court, it is important for the offender to successfully complete his or her treatment episode and follow all aftercare recommendations made by the discharging treatment provider. Also, the Illinois Secretary of State’s Department of Administrative Hearings requires DUI Offenders to demonstrate they have completed their recommended services prior to restoring the DUI Offender’s driving privileges. This is the case for DUI Offenders that are required to have a hearing to restore their driving privileges.

What Are DUI Classes?

The expression “DUI Classes” is a vague term used by individuals that are required to complete recommended services from their DUI Evaluation. Typically, clients are referencing a 10-hour DUI Risk Education Class and/or a 12-hours of Early Intervention Services. However, it is common for individuals that need to complete 20-hours of substance use disorder treatment services to use the expression DUI Classes when making contact with a provider to enroll in services. Nevertheless, there are significant differences in the types of services a DUI offender may need as a result of their DUI Evaluation.

What is DUI Risk Education?

DUI Risk Education in the State of Illinois entails a very specific curriculum that is regulated by the Illinois Department of Human Services, Division of Substance Use Prevention & Recovery. At the bare minimal, any Illinois DUI Risk Education provider must present alcohol as a drug, including the physiological and pharmacological effects of alcohol and other drugs that educates offenders on the residual impairment that substance use has on normal levels of driving performance and life skills. Administrative and Criminal penalties for DUI offenses are discussed and reviewed in grave detail, including aggravating factors to a DUI offense. All other drugs, whether legal or illegal, are required to be reviewed in depth pertaining to drug class, known bio-psycho-social effects, and adverse effects on driving skill. Synergistic effects of polysubstance are reviewed and discussed during DUI Risk Education. The formation of chemical dependence and the adverse affects substance abuse/dependence has on families and society is also taught. All clients are required to complete a plan to prevent further substance related problems from reoccurring in life.

What is DUI Early Intervention Services?

Early Intervention services are deemed sub-clinical or pre-treatment and are designed to explore and address problems or risk factors that appear related to substance use and to assist individuals in recognizing the harmful consequences of inappropriate substance use. These services are reserved for individuals that received a “Moderate Risk” DUI classification after completing their DUI Evaluation or for individuals that were referred for a Treatment Needs Assessment due to an alcohol and/or drug related incident but did not meet the diagnostic criteria for a substance use disorder. The State of Illinois Requires that all DUI offenders that received a “Moderate Risk” DUI classification to complete 12 hours of Early Intervention Services in addition to the completion of 10 hours of DUI Risk Education.

Can you take DUI classes online in Illinois?

Yes, you can complete your DUI Classes Online in Illinois at Rogerian Solutions. Most importantly, we provide licensed and court approved DUI Classes for the State of Illinois. In order to enroll in services, you are required to provide a copy of your DUI Evaluation demonstrating your need to complete 10-hours of DUI Risk Class. If needed, we can also conduct your DUI Evaluation for the court and/or Secretary of State.

Can You Take DUI classes Online In Illinois?

Online DUI Classes for DUI Risk Education

Rogerian Solutions is presently providing online DUI Risk Education Classes to DUI Offenders throughout the State of Illinois. All of Rogerian Solutions instructors are certified in the State of Illinois to perform DUI Risk Education and are committed to providing all of our clients a great educational experience. This opportunity provides additional options for clients when selecting a treatment provider, including access to more providers for those residing in rural areas. Online DUI Classes also counters known barriers to attending DUI Classes such as lack of child care or transportation to attend DUI Classes. Complete your DUI Classes Online with confidence!

DUI Risk Education Classes Chicagoland Illinois

We deliver DUI Risk Education classes to the entire Chicagoland area. We deliver DUI Risk Education and DUI Early Intervention Courses right to our clients’ homes via telehealth through our synchronous online platform. We deliver DUI Risk Education tailored to each of our client’s learning needs. We look forward to helping everyone that is need of DUI Risk Education Services. Complete your DUI Classes with us!

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DUI Classes Online for Illinios DUI Offenses at Rogerian Solutions DUI Evaluation and DUI Classes.



Rogerian Solutions
Illinois DUI Evaluation and DUI Classes

Court Approved DUI Evaluation and DUI Classes, DUI Risk Education and DUI Early Intervention Services, Online DUI Services