Crypto-wut? Five Compelling lllustrations that Communicate the Way of the Coin

Cryptocurrency is that new modern phenomenon, that’s striking everyone’s curiosity..if not their wallets. But how many of us understand how it works, and the ideals it promises as a decentralized economy? Here are a few sweet illustrations and animations that show us the way of the coin in a variety of ways!

Krystal Lauk Studios
2 min readJul 17, 2018


Illustrator unknown- if this is your work please let me know so I can credit!

Get this: Square made an illustrated children’s story communicating the history of bitcoin, and how it works. The fantastical nature allows the story to explain bitcoin with no boundaries, making the complex subject much more understandable (and delightful!) View the full experience on the Cash App site.

Animation: Andrew Embury, Ricardo Mendes, Ronaldo Serrano, Daniel Elder, Kyle Martinez. Art Direction: Sylvia Yang

Bloomberg put together this great animation back in November 2017, on Bitcoin coming into the mainstream. Read the full article here.

Animation by Joseph Lattimer

Need to beef up on all that crypto-slang? Animator and Designer Joseph Lattimer has your back in this hilarious video.

Illustration by Krystal Lauk Studios

Crypto might be about lining your pockets, but what about giving back?, an open source Ethereum community, created this illustrated infographic communicating all the ways to help build the peer-to-peer decentralized economy of the ideal future.

Illustration: Krzysztof Nowak, Animation: Piotr Wojtczak

This explainer video for Algory, a trading platform, conveys some serious crypto-vibes. It’s all about staying on top of the curve to strike it rich!

Illustration by Daniel Haire

Robinhood, a trading platform, wants to let you know that the Dogecoin is now available to invest on their platform along with four different cryptocurrencies. Boom!

Have you created any visuals about cryptocurrency? Are you a fan of any that aren’t listed here? Give us a shout out, we’d love to check it out!



Krystal Lauk Studios
Editor for

We are an illustration-led design agency located in San Francisco, all about communicating complex concepts and brand values in a delightful and engaging way.