Unsupervised Question Answering

How to train a model to answer questions when you have no annotated data

Kayo Yin


Table of Contents


Generating the questions

1. Cloze Generation

  • Obtaining the context
  • Defining the answers
  • Obtaining cloze statements

2. Translating into natural questions

  • Identity mapping
  • Noisy clozes
  • Unsupervised Neural Machine Translation (UNMT)

Training the QA model

1. The XLNet model

2. Results


Question Answering

Question Answering models do exactly what the name suggests: given a paragraph of text and a question, the model looks for the answer in the paragraph. A subfield of Question Answering called Reading Comprehension is a rapidly progressing domain of Natural Language Processing. Indeed, several models have already surpassed human performance on the Stanford Question Answering Dataset (SQuAD).



Kayo Yin
Editor for

PhD student at UC Berkeley researching AI. Now writing at kayoyin.github.io/blog