Our investment in Composable — enabling LLM adoption within enterprises

Hugo Hazon
Illuminate Financial
3 min readFeb 28, 2024

Illuminate is thrilled to announce we co-led a $4m investment in Composable alongside Elaia and why we believe they can power large-scale adoption of LLMs at the enterprise level.

LLMs have become more than a trend

It seems like there is a new breakthrough in the LLM space every few weeks. Since the public release of ChatGPT in late 2022, the demand from both individuals and businesses has skyrocketed, along with the spending.

The global LLM market reached $4.3Bn in 2023, and is expected to grow at a 35.9% CAGR to$35Bn in 2030. Source: GrandView Research

In spite of the demand, and growing number of use cases, LLM adoption within enterprises is still very low. There is a general lack of confidence in LLMs and the outputs obtained using them; hallucinations, unintended biases, lack of tooling to track performance variation, model drift, monitor AI across Cloud and AI environments… are all common complaints.

These challenges are some of the reasons why an estimated 60%-90% of AI projects fail to go into production.

There is a significant pain point in the tooling landscape during the “experimentation” phase aimed at transitioning an application from the demo stage to production. Some developers have resorted to setting up spreadsheets to facilitate the comparison and evaluation of prompts and models. This cannot scale at the enterprise level.

Composable Prompts bridge this gap in tooling

Composable Prompts helps organizations leverage LLM in their business processes and workflows. They offer an end-to-end platform to govern, secure, and orchestrate LLMs, supports a large number of execution providers (Google, OpenAI, Amazon, Replicate, Hugging Face, TogetherAI, etc.) and models (GPTx, Claude, Cohere, AI21 Labs, Titan, Llama2, Mistral, and many others), and brings a new virtualization approach to operationalize them.

LLMs have revolutionized how we interact with text, but Composable is taking things a step further. Their goal is to make sure businesses of all sizes and industries can utilize LLMs’ innate data processing skills in the most efficient way.

The right timing to address this market

The cat’s out of the bag. While there might not be widespread enterprise adoption of LLMs, ChatGPT is widely used by individuals and institutions are moving. For instance, in financial services alone in the past weeks JP Morgan announced they had developed an in-house LLM for document processing, BNP Paribas has invested in Mistral...

From customer support to data analytics, the use cases are diverse, and will keep emerging as the technology matures.

We’re only at the very beginning of LLM adoption within enterprises.

The global adoption of AI remains low as businesses transition from exploring use cases to deployment. Source: IBM Global Adoption Index 2023

A worldclass team addressing this gap

Eric Barroca, Composable’s founder and CEO, previously led Nuxeo, a content management software, from inception to scale to exit (acquired by Hyland Software in 2021). We were extremely impressed not only by Eric’s technical skills, but also his deep understanding of the go-to-market motion and what it takes to build an enterprise grade platform. Several former Nuxeo executives are joining him again on this journey — they are a team with deep expertise in enterprise content management and software development and we are excited to be on this journey with them to build another best-in-class enterprise business.

We can’t wait to see how this team continues to grow and define this fast moving market and look forward to working with our fellow investors Elaia, Motier Ventures, Kima Ventures, Super Capital, to help them on their journey.

