A Glass of Wine by the Fire

The Last Human in the Milky Way — Chapter 26

Øivind H. Solheim
4 min readJun 12, 2021


One day it dawned on him that great changes had taken place in the neighbourhood and in the wider world. He decided to try to find out what had happened, packed equipment into his car and started driving.

Somewhere along the way, he sees a woman standing on the side of the road, and he stops next to her. They are two strangers who set out on a journey together to find out where the world is headed, a world where great changes have taken place that they are only guessing the consequences of.

Photo by Sergio Vilches on Unsplash


“Did you have children with him?” he asked.

She did not answer. She seemed a little distant, was a little absent in a way. He hesitated. Did she sit and think of something? — Should he ask the question again?

“You,” he said, “do you want a little more?”

He took the bottle of wine and held it up to her. She lifted her glass towards him, and he emptied another half glass and took the rest for himself.

“Pretty good, that wine,” he said.

“Yes,” she said. “Yeah. Good, that one.”

The answer seemed a bit in the middle of the tree.



Øivind H. Solheim

Norwegian novel author, new novel The Man Who Stopped Aging, Amazon Kindle. Love story, and intellectual investigation: Can we extend human life to 100 or 110?