NaNoWriMo 2022

Blood Oath

American Kingdom: Day 10.1

Molly Freytag


Swearing my oath (Image by NightCafé)

Previous chapter:

The rest of the day is all a blur now. It took an hour or so before anyone in the house had reduced their adrenaline levels to a level consistent with sleep. This included Pillow the cat, who decided that he was sleeping on the sofa regardless of anyone or anything that might want to use it.

We cleaned up the broken glass and the blood, sat down around the kitchen table and had a real heart to heart.

“I’m leaving Charleston, that’s all there is to it,” I said. “That man won’t give up if I’m still around and he’s a danger to my friends as well as me. Who knows what he’ll have with him next time?”

No arguing with that. The thing that Ted had been pressing against my neck, abandoned in his hasty exit, turned out to be a chisel with a wide and wickedly sharp blade. A handy tool for gaining entry to a locked house, and for threatening sleeping women.

“But you’ll be leaving your support network,” Leonie pointed out. “Your church, your friends, your city. You go somewhere else, you’ll be without roots, without anyone who cares about you.”

“True, but it’s not as if that hasn’t been half my life already. In the Rangers I was sent around the country, around the world, on short notice. Pack up my gear and jump on a cargo plane, get off in some strange new base. I’m not so old that I’ve become fossilised by habit and routine, you know.”

“And what if your ex-partner decides to go hunting you down?” asked Kemba. “It’s not like you’ll be in some sort of witness protection scheme with a new identity. Your credit cards, your phone, your email address; all these things can be tracked with the right tools.”

“I’m pretty sure that I’ll be out of his reach,” I said, pleased that at last it was more than just me thinking of Ted as an ‘ex’. “Where I’m going, I don’t know yet.”

The decision had been made for me. Become a trooper in the army of the Lord and whatever dangers might await me there would very likely be far more easily handled than having to keep one eye out for Ted trying to handle an uncertain future with chisels and bike tools.

Besides, it would be interesting and instead of marking time I’d be getting on with something productive.

We prayed. Leonie offered up her hopes for a safe future for her friend, a new circle of Christian companions and guides, and all the warmth and love she thought I deserved. Oh, and some divine intervention in the downward path of my ex-partner.

I offered up thanks for all the love and friendship I’d already received, more of the same for my Charleston church family, and my wishes for guidance from above to help me recognise wisdom and the best path in my new life. Ted, I didn’t mention. Leonie might be generous in seeking an upwards path for my ex but if I had to put my feelings into words they would not be anywhere near as generous.

Kemba, bless his heart, gave a short offering for “all of the above” plus some deep sleep for all of us, especially the cat, who was pacing restlessly.

Sleep eventually came but mine at least was haunted by strange noises and sensations, faces wrought with hatred sneering at mine from an inch or two, and the cold touch of a chisel. Not to mention a cat who hadn’t got the message and paced restlessly on my hair.

When daylight finally arrived, I texted Marion.

“I’m in. ASAP pls.”

She called me back within moments, offering her own thanks for the wisdom of my decision and giving instructions for my next steps.

So it was that at nine o’clock, I was standing under palmettos at The Battery, looking out to Fort Sumter, a Bible in my hand, swearing an oath of fealty to my Heavenly King and my duty to his sovereign representative my Lord the Duke of Charleston.

A short ceremony, with words of honor and duty, thanks, congratulations, and best wishes for the most radiant and glorious of futures.

Brian and Marion embraced me, welcoming me into their Christian circle, and Duke Francis gave me the Bible I’d held to swear allegiance, and a lapel pin: a small American flag with white crosses instead of stars.

I had the bare minimum with me. Some clothes, my bugout bag, toiletries, essential papers — “you’ve got your passport, Molly?” Brian asked. “You’ll need it.” — and a few treasured pieces of jewelry that were all I had from my parents.

The rest of my belongings would be held in storage, Ted would be sued for half the true worth of the business, and I would be represented in all things by my sovereign lord.

My starting salary would be equivalent to Army E-5 with seniority to match my years of Ranger service, benefits according, all food, clothing, accommodation, and transport provided.

Duke Francis took my hand, looked into my eyes, said he had high expectations of me, and hoped that I’d find time to drop him a text or two.

And finally it was just a driver and I in a Ford, headed for the airport.



Molly Freytag

Daughter of the American South, fighting for truth, justice, and the return of the King. My NaNoWriMo in progress: