Serialised book (with a progressively updated >>dashboard/ToC<< page). Part II: Philosophy of the Life Instinct

Book: Philosophy of Life Instinct: Chapter 17: Work and Ambition

Engines of life

Shashi Sastry
18 min readApr 10, 2021


Image by the author.

Work is all about energy. So is the universe. The Big Bang was pure energy and from it appeared matter and time. Energy in different forms achieves different things. Potential energy keeps things in position, e.g., in atomic and molecular bonds. Kinetic energy moves matter, e.g., in acceleration and velocity.

Force is required to put energy into the position and movement of matter. Work is a force in action. It is done by applying force to move matter to a new potential or kinetic state (the latter also manifests as heat at the atomic level).

The universe is changing continuously. The energy of the big bang from sub-atomic to cosmic scale is morphing and moving. Work is happening all the time, everywhere.

Life forms have bodies that are forms of order, a state of higher potential energy than disorder. They also require kinetic energy while they are alive.

In and after conception, the unconscious drive of Life Instinct in a parent transforms food’s energy into the new living cells' molecular potential…



Shashi Sastry

I am a prism, refracting the light of thought into a rainbow of content for you. Poetry, philosophy, architecture, and more. LESS STUFF, MORE VEG = A FUTURE.