Serialised book (with a progressively updated >>dashboard/ToC<< page). Part II: Philosophy of the Life Instinct

Book: Philosophy of Life Instinct: Chapter 21: Art

Utility and nobility

Shashi Sastry
14 min readMay 17, 2021


Image by the author.

What happens when my brain converts the sound vibrations of a Mozart sonata or Maria Callas aria into electrical signals and experiences them? Why does it generate such a nice feeling?

The enjoyment does not need anyone else to be present, not even the performer. But, besides making me happy, it does not do anything, for example, provide me with information.

Consider a musical piece by Debussy, a painting by Monet, or the one below by Constable.

Wivenhoe Park by John Constable, 1816.

It is unlikely that such a complex trait as the enjoyment of what we call Art would be an accident of the Life Instinct (see Chapter 4). So why have we evolved to experience specific combinations and sequences of sounds and images with rewards in the pleasure centres of our brains? What does it do for human life?

From our journey with the Life Instinct till now in this book and observations about the creation, experience and…



Shashi Sastry

I am a prism, refracting the light of thought into a rainbow of content for you. Poetry, philosophy, architecture, and more. LESS STUFF, MORE VEG = A FUTURE.