Serialised book (with a progressively updated >>dashboard/ToC<< page). Part III: Philosophy of the Life Instinct

Book: Philosophy of Life Instinct: Epilogue

Shashi Sastry


The end of a journey

Thank you, my online reader, for your company while I wrote out this book. It was the last leg of a journey I set out on thirty years ago, which began as a quest for ultimate understanding and answers but also became one for adequate expression. The sum has been much more than the parts, as the mutual shaping of thoughts and language is fascinating.

Every time I read what I’ve written, I find room for saying it better, and new ideas effervesce in my mind. It would be the pleasurable agony familiar to every writer.

I know I’ll capture any compelling new ideas in other books or essays, and I may revise the nuances of this book in future editions. But, unless there is a groundbreaking discovery on the origins or nature of the Life Instinct or Free Will, we will not need fundamental changes to the views of this book on why we are as we are, where it originates, and what to do with it all.

Still, what we know and think is immeasurably tiny compared to the entirety of existence, and it would be foolish hubris to deny other possibilities. We may never know what we don’t…



Shashi Sastry
Shashi Sastry

Written by Shashi Sastry

I am a prism, refracting the light of thought into a rainbow of content for you. Poetry, philosophy, architecture, and more. LESS STUFF + MORE VEG = A FUTURE.

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