Developing Self-Love

John Cunningham
7 min readApr 13, 2021


Win the Day — Chapter 2

Photo by Hüseyin Topcu on Unsplash

This chapter comes from the first section, You, of Win the Day — How to Win Your Daily Battles With Stress, Anxiety and Depression. You is all about having a good relationship with yourself. Enjoying your own company and building a belief that you are worthy of success.

In this chapter we talk about the greatest love of all, loving yourself.

You can’t give what you don’t have

Mainstream media has created images of life that are difficult, if not impossible, for us to compete with: slim and muscular bodies, rich and carefree lifestyles, and ultra-compassionate characters who never get angry. This leaves most of us feeling inadequate. Adding to on those feelings of inadequacy are experiences like losing a job, ending a relationship, or struggling to gain a new talent. All these experiences can lead to feelings of disillusionment. To combat that negative self talk, you need to believe there is something special in you and about you. Have faith in yourself and learn to love the person inside.

To love yourself is to accept who you are, despite your flaws and inadequacies. Loving yourself means you enjoy spending time alone, and that you are your own biggest fan regardless of the circumstances. Over a lifetime you will spend many more years with yourself than any…



John Cunningham

World-class trainer, life coach, and author of Win the Day: How to win your battles with stress, anxiety & depression.