Garbo’s Faces

a Novel — Part 21: Trolls

Ulf Wolf
32 min readApr 16, 2021


Cover by Author

“Hanuman’s oldest son was blessed with an outstanding memory. This is the story he told, and for which he in turned thanked the blessings of those many memories that had gone before him:

“Vishnu was bored.

“The sun and moon and stars and their many planets, one rounder than the next, spun their soft silent songs in perfect rhythm, all according to perfect plan and perfect wish.

“The light which emanated from the center of Vishnu, who is light and who will always be light, spread throughout the universe until it reached the end, and when it reached the end, by shining it pushed the end out before it, chasing it as it fled into farther and farther away, and into larger and larger, and some say that this light still chases the far end of the universe into ever larger.

“The planets spun like spinning tops, that in turn spun around suns like wheels, pacing the years in quick succession, one or ten to a breath. The galaxies rolled and sailed in waves so majestic, only one whose time is endless can see them move.

“This was Vishnu’s playground: vast, organized, brilliant, and moving, and ever expanding.

“And, yet, for all this beauty, for all this symmetry and dancing, Vishnu was bored.



Ulf Wolf

Raised by trolls in northern Sweden, now settled on the California coast a stone’s throw south of the Oregon border. Here I meditate and write.