How It Is to Lose Love

The Love We Had, Chapter 17


A writing challenge

Write and publish a book review of the novel The Love We Had, based on freely chosen chapters published on

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Odda Smelter, view from the Furnace Building. Photo 2006 © by the author

17 How It Is to Lose Love

I stand in front of the open window and the wind outside pulls the heat from the room. I close my eyes, stand like this for a while, cold air against my face, raindrops against my cheek — is that how it is to lose love?

Then there’s finally a new message. She says she thinks of me. She says she likes to lie next to me. She writes that she wants to be close.

I answer that I want it too, and wait for more.

But she becomes silent. She does not write anymore, she does not speak anymore, she becomes silent and invisible. Losing love is a bit like losing yourself.



Øivind H. Solheim - the Novel Author

New novel: The Man Who Stopped Aging, Amazon Kindle. Love story & intellectual investigation: Can we extend human life to 100 or 110?