ILLUMINATION Book Chapters Extravaganza 3

We have three very different chapters on life learning, teaching, and a memoir you won’t want to put down.

Karen Madej


Photo by Robert Kovacs on Unsplash

Welcome book lovers! This time we have some titles that captured my attention. Initially, I made a list. But when I reached the point of sitting down to write this; I discovered an amazing video. My pal, Alison Tennent aka The Garrulous Glaswegian created a video introduction for Ulf Wolf’s book. The first author on my list. Spooky.

After being sidetracked by Alison’s sublime Book Chapter author videos, you can find them all here, I went in search of The Zen of Calories. I discovered the easiest (?) way to find all the chapters of Ulf Wolf’s book was to go to his profile, type in Zen of Calories which gives you a choice of three, two with the same date.

So I click All of Medium, et voila! I scroll past Part Three, Part Six, Part Four, and finally The Zen of Calories (Part One) Foreword.

