Introduction to A.I., Robotics, and Coding (for Parents)

A guide for Analog Parents with Digital Kids

Jair Ribeiro
14 min readApr 8, 2021



Technology is continuously present in every part of our lives and careers. It is increasingly present everywhere; it is even difficult to imagine life today without digital use.

The need for information in our world is constant and unstoppable during the last two decades. It is changing the world, as we know it, even when you are reading this article.

Being a parent in the information age is not just investing in our children’s technological devices and teaching them how to use them. It does not help young people know how to use the digital tool; we need to educate them about using it responsibly, ethically, and safely.

Our duty as parents is to guide the correct use of technology, showing the consequences of improper benefit for the individual and society.

Parents play an essential role in technology awareness but often feel lost amid so many innovations, without knowing the limits to be imposed, or even without actual knowledge of the dangers of uncontrolled exposure of their children.

Many parents are still confused about technology education’s roles, leaving school in charge and even fulfilling…



Jair Ribeiro

Top #5 Global AI Thought Leader, Father, Writer, and Reader