Lost In Transit

The Family Business, Chapter 8



Photo by Laura Thonne on Unsplash

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Winter came.

It started with a chill in the air, and then suddenly, it seemed the trees had shed their multicolored cloaks and stood naked under blue skies and a bright, cold sun.

The crows, as usual, didn’t seem to mind the cold. There was much to glean from the empty rice fields, and they busied themselves doing whatever it is crows do. It was something I thought of in passing, but I never invested the time to know much about it.

Nights became longer, and longer shadows came earlier, and as the daylight became more scarce, my mood, little by little, began a slow journey into the shadows.

I started moving through a portal to an alternate universe, each day feeling more removed from the day-to-day activity going on around me, living in my head, and reaching out less and less to exchange life and conversation with fellow humans.

It seemed I always built this wall around me in Winter. I knew I would break out again in the Spring. But this year, I started to prepare myself for making another type of wall.

I had accepted a mission from Mr. Radler. Well, Jimmy Rivers and I had, to be entirely correct, though I would have preferred to go it alone.




Master Inventor and AI Architect. Grew up in Japan, World Traveler. Former Navy Linguist. Interests include Music, Writing, Tech, Travel, and a Better World.