Making the Cut — Part 6: The Final Slice

My separation-from-religion experience


Photo by KEEM IBARRA on Unsplash

This is the sixth part of a 6-part series chronicling my journey away from religion. If it offends you, I’m sorry, but you really shouldn’t let other people’s experiences trouble you. This is my experience and isn’t intended to discredit your experiences or beliefs in any way. My journey is mine and your journey is yours. I respect them equally.

Part 6: The Final Slice

Although my childhood was irrationally acceptable— I felt included, part of a hand-picked delegation — it left me without a proper education and without a solid sense of self. By the time I was able to fully separate from The Body and from the damaged beliefs that had consumed my being, there was much to look forward to but so much I had to leave behind as well.

Bit by bit, from the age of 6 years, I exchanged myself for the knowledge of god — letting this mind be in me that was in christ jesus — leaving gaps inside. My earliest memories include guilt for being a sinner long before I had time to sin. I watched as adults around me created rich emotional experiences associated with deity while drawing sharp lines between good people and bad people. For years I handed over the personal complexities of who I was to strangers; I allowed the church to possess…



Julie Nyhus MSN, FNP-BC, RN 💜

Nurse practitioner, health/medical writer, wife, momma, amazing badass rocking 12 years without evidence of cancer! Twitter @joolzfnp