Mystery Cove

Chapter 3: And We’re Off

Avana Lilly
4 min readApr 13, 2021


Finally, Tuesday came. Ellie had their bags packed since Sunday night. The couple woke up early. A quick breakfast of tea and toast and they were ready to go by 6:30 am.

They put Leo in the cat carrier and put Mia’s harness on her. Both pets would be staying at Ellie’s parents’ house. Mia’s mother, father, and one of her sisters were there as well. She loved to visit with them. As soon as she saw the harness her dance of happiness started.

“Be still Mia.” Ben laughed as he buckled her in. “I know you’re excited to go to Nana’s.”

There was a knock at the front door. “Morning Louis,” Ellie said as she welcomed their guest.

I was Ben’s younger brother, he would be house-sitting for them while they were away. His Aunt would be there as well later in the day to help out as well.

“Good morning sis,” he replied with a smile. “Ahh, you guys aren’t leaving the kids here.” He seemed very disappointed.

“Mia would never forgive us if we didn’t take her over to Nana’s.” Ben laughed.

“Well, at least leave me with Leo.” He opened the carrier and pulled Leo out and hugged him gently. “Come on bro, I will take good care of him. You know how bad I want a cat of my own.”

“Would you like to stay with Uncle Louie?” Ben scratched the cat’s ears and glanced over at Ellie who nodded yes and smiled.

Leo stretched out as Louis set him down. Then quickly headed to his cat perch by the window.

“Yess! We are going to have the best time.” He walked over to the reclined and content cat, petting till he purred loudly.

After a quick chat, Ben gave Louis the keys and list of care instructions for Leo.

Another knock at the door. Mia knew who it was even before it was open. She danced and barked and pranced and wiggled.

“Morning Dad.” Ellie smiled as Mia showed off. It was her father Trevor Barnett.

“Morning old bean.” Her father said with his thick British brogue. He kissed her forehead and then immediately knelt down to pet Mia.

“How are you this morning Mr. Barnett,” Ben asked when he saw his father-in-law.

“Doing great son, we just laid the foundation for the cabin.” He stood.

“Nice to see you again Mr. Barnett.” Louis reached to shake his hand.

“Good to see you again too, my boy. How’s that grandfather of yours?” The older man asked.

“Haha, ornery as ever. He was telling me about the plans you guys have for the cabins over breakfast this morning.” Lois replied.

“Speaking of breakfast, I really must dash. Your mother had ours cooking when I left. And I’m not the type of man to let my bacon and eggs get cold.” He leaned forward hugged his daughter then Ben. “You two be safe and enjoy your trip.”

He stepped back and took Mia’s lead. “Louie tell your grandfather I will call him later. And you two,” He pointed back and forth to Ellie and Ben.” You are to call us when you land and when you arrive at your bungalow.”

“Yes sir.” They both saluted the retired sailor.

“Good show. Also, I will be expecting postcards and at least one package of those delicious ChocoDragon chocolate bars, the bars not the hearts. Damn fine chocolates they are.” He put a $100 bill in Ellie’s hand. “Don’t tell you, mother.” He whispered.

She laughed. Her dad was very devoted to his sweet tooth.

“Don’t worry Dad, we will make sure your package is in the mail tomorrow,” Ben said with a grin.

“Good man. Now Mia let’s go. Nana is waiting.” Mia sprung to her feet wagging her tail so hard her fluffy little butt wiggle side to side.

Ellie gave him her bag and they were off. “You kids take care.” He said as he closed the door.

“Our turn dear,” Ben said as he picked up three of their bags, Ellie took her carry-on and purse.

Louis helped by taking the suitcase to the car. “Have a safe trip Bro.” He hugged his brother after putting the cases in the trunk. “Make sure he doesn’t get into too much trouble.” He laughed as he called Ellie who was getting in the car.

“Always,” she smiled. “And thanks for looking after the house and Leo. Thank Aunt Yani for me too.”

“Will do sis, call me when you get there.” He told Ben.

“We will. Oh and check the fridge we got half a pizza left in there from last night.” He grinned.

“Gino’s?” Louis perked up

“Where else?”

“Have a safe trip, miss you guys, see you when you get back byeeeeee.” He said over his shoulder as he ran back to the house.
“You told him about Gino’s?” Ellie laughed.

“Haha, how could you tell?” They had to chuckle at this. Nothing put Louis on the move quicker than food.

it didn’t take long to arrive at the airport and board Ben’s plane. It was cold and partly cloudy but good flying weather. The flight was smooth and made good time.

Mr. Cardington was there in his private hanger at the intercontinental airport when they landed. Ben was going to keep his plane there till they returned. He gave them the keys to the bungalow, a list of directions, and wished them well.

Arriving seven and a half hours later in Cardiff it was already late. They checked in with everyone and settled down at a quaint little inn for the night.

Rising early the next day for the nearly 5-hour drive to Cavendish Cove. First stopping to purchase and mail Mr. Barnett’s much-beloved chocolates to him. Overnight delivery of course.

At last, they were on their way to the lovely little bungalow. Both were looking forward to it.



Avana Lilly

Writer, book enthusiast, lover of all things cute & cuddly, pet parent. A history buff, who likes art, nature, and baking. A new book + pastry = A Happy Life.