Mystery Cove

Chapter 2: Ghost or Convenient Thunder

Avana Lilly
4 min readApr 2, 2021


Photo by Erol Ahmed on Unsplash

Ben took his tablet back with a grin. “Well, that was easier than I thought it would be.”

Ellie scooted closer to him resting her hands on his shoulders as she peeked over them at the screen. “You know I like surprises.” Leaning in closer. “Now, show me.” She smiled.

“Haha, okay, okay, let me pull it up. Ah, here it is.” He handed her the tablet.

“It’s a beach?” She asked, wondering where he was going with this.

“Upper, right corner. Zoom in.” He tapped the screen pulling up the picture of a house.

It was a nice little house. A quaint looking seaside cottage, with lovely little green shutters and a nice built-in fire pit on the patio. you good see the water in the background.

“That’s a nice cottage. Where is it at?” Ellie pondered.

“Cavendish Cove, let’s see what google says about it.’’ Ben pulled it up on his tablet. “Ah, here it is. Cavendish Cove, a small seaside village in southwest Wales. Nice friendly townspeople and several local restaurants with 5-star ratings. Well, that sounds nice.” He looked over at Ellie.

She nodded in agreement, moving to sit beside him at the edge of the bed. Leaning over to look at the screen, “ What else does it say?”

“Let’s see, they have a fall festival coming up. Looks like they got a lot of little shops. Oooh, this is interesting.” He turned away with the screen. Teasing her a little.

“What is?” She smiled reaching for the tablet.

“It says here, the two things the Cove is most famous for…” He pulled the tablet away with a laugh as she reached for it. “Are its haunted castle, and the mysterious disappearance of Lord Cavendish and his family back in 1731. Seems he was a scientist who suddenly vanished with about 20 family members and all the Cavendish manor staff.’’

Ellie’s eyes widened.

Ben continued. “It says nothing was disturbed at the home, nothing was taken from the vault. Even the food was still left on the table. They simply disappeared into thin air. Now people think their ghosts haunt the manor and its grounds. WOoooo.” He said the last part with a spooky tone.

“Well, you will enjoy that. It is on your bucket list to see a ghost.’’ Getting up, she strode to the closet and pulled out a sweater. “So when do we leave?” Holding it against her she looked in the mirror.

“We can leave Tuesday if you like.” He said with a grin, reclining back into the pillows. “I just have to finish this last safety check on Mr. Cardington’s security software. Then we are all set.“ He put his glasses on and went for his laptop.

“Wow, Tuesday you don’t waste any time. I like that.” Smiling at him with a loving grin.

“Of course not. No gentleman keeps his wife waiting.” He stopped, kissing her on the head and returning her grin.

“I will start packing. Need to check what the weather is like there this time of year.” She reached for her phone.

“Is Tuesday too soon? Do you think we will need to get anything for the trip?” He pondered.

“No, Tuesday is good, I don’t think we will need anything. If we do we can get it there.”

“Right! I will call and tell them to have the plane fueled up. I can fly us up to the International Airport and we can take Mr. Cardington’s jet from there.” He nodded grabbing the laptop he set out again for his perch on the pillows.

“Aw, the perks of having a husband who’s a pilot.” Ellie beamed. It sure simplifies travel plans. Can come and go as we please.“ Making her way back to the pillows as well.

Getting comfortable she pulled a pad of paper and a pen out of her bedside table drawer. Starting a list of everything they would need to bring. Taking her phone she pulled up Cavendish Cove, Wales.

“It does get chilly there this time of year, I think we need well-lined rain jackets.”

“And my Nikon with the infrared lenses and my ghost hunting equipment.” He grinned at her.

“Haha, okay Mr. Ghostbuster. It is added to the list. I still don’t think there are any such things as ghosts tho.” Ellie chuckled.

“Bet?” He asked. “Winner gets, hmmm, $5 and a candy bar from the loser.” Ben held out his hand to shake.

“Bet!” She agreed, shaking his hand.

“I think my odds here are better than anywhere else.” He laughed.

“Maybe, but I still don’t think there are any such things as spooks or ghosts,” She stated matter of factually.

Then. there was a loud ominous clap of thunder that boomed out of nowhere.

Everyone jumped, well except for Leo. Who was well known for his ability to be unbothered by most situations. Mia jumped up on the bed and hid under the blanket. Ellie patted her softly as scooted closer to Ben and took his arm causing him to laugh loudly,

“No such things as spooks huh?” He looked down at her as clung to his arm.

Ellie regained her composer and set up. “That wasn’t a spook. Just a very inconveniently timed clap of thunder, Now what does the weather say?

“Right, just thunder.” He checked the weather.

“I hope we can leave Tuesday.”

“We will.” he nodded.

Boom! It thundered again.

‘’Well, that is if mother nature agrees.” He grimaced.

Ellie nodded hoping that mother nature would give them flight clearance. A vacation would be so lovely this time of year.



Avana Lilly

Writer, book enthusiast, lover of all things cute & cuddly, pet parent. A history buff, who likes art, nature, and baking. A new book + pastry = A Happy Life.