A short story

The Man With An Alien Heart

Catching up with the past. Chapter 2.

Liam Ireland
9 min readApr 9, 2021


Mattia Bericchia on Unsplash

As I write, I’m sat out on my Japanese veranda overlooking the most beautiful garden you ever saw in all your life. A step down onto a tidy little lawn, just a few steps from my very own pond where I keep some Koi carp.

My view is right up close to an amazing arrangement of small to medium-sized trees with a splendid array of colours, green, gold and salmon pink. Rising up behind is a small patch of pale blue sky with a passing fluff of cloud or two.

Standing behind me, watching over me is my lovely oriental wife. She’s twenty years younger than me and doesn’t look a day over fifty. I guess that must be the Japanese diet, that or she’s from another world far from the orbit of the earth.

I met Kyoko quite by chance when I was sixty-one years old. I say we met by chance, but these days I am not so sure. She was born on the day that I hit twenty, way, way back in seventy-four. I think about that sometimes, and with good reason. See, her birthday happened to coincide with an event I will never ever forget.

2104 looking back to 1974.

Whilst Kyoko was busy being born, I was hitch-hiking en-route to a place called Hawkshead in the Lake District of…

