The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony — Why Harmony May Be Missing in Your Life

A Guide to Freeing You to Create Your Life by listening to the messages from your body

Gregory Reece-Smith
7 min readJun 21, 2021


Are you one of those who believe the joy of harmony has passed you by?

Perhaps distracted by the pain and trauma of past events, or what you are currently experiencing?

Or, even come to tolerate what is a “normal” part of life?

Harmony In Your Life Is Missing Because…

Let me assure you it is neither normal nor the state in which to live our lives.

What about moments of harmony such as watching the sunset, the smile of a child, feeling the warmth of the sun on your face, or gentle lapping of waves on the shore?

Each of us has the choice as to what we focus our attention on and so allow ourselves to feel.

To be more precise, our unconscious mind, our Lifeguard will bring a memory to our conscious awareness. It is our choice do we focus on it?

Because our Lifeguard´s purpose is to keep us safe, over 90% of our daily thoughts flow from the unconscious mind. Its definition is that everything we do is potentially unsafe, so this is the prime criteria it uses to direct our lives.

Where does harmony come in? It does NOT because even the child´s smile could link to an unexpected harmful impact. Such an event is what will be recorded and so that moment of joy and harmony is buried in our memory under the “unsafe” event to which it has been linked.

It was trying to understand the dis-harmony exhibited by my body that set me on the journey to initially learn more about my body. I was seeking to understand what Napoleon Hill succinctly described as:

“One must marry one’s feelings to one’s beliefs and ideas. That is probably the only way to achieve a measure of harmony in one’s life.”

When aligned with people who enthusiastically live a full life and you connect with their values, does your own passion emerge? How does that feel?

How does that motivate you in your business or work? What effect does it have on your own creativity and involvement, your relationships?

How To Create Harmony In Your Life

When there is a conflict between what you are doing and your values and purpose, this creates stress and so inflammation in part of your body. Which in turn manifests as pain or illness because of the disruption to the free flow of energy through your body.

Recognising the pain or discomfort is a message from the body conflict that exists, allowing you to activate this basic guideline to change it:

Acknowledge — Admit you have this problem.

Accept — Accept the issue.

Forgive — No one is perfect. There is no reason to blame yourself or feel guilty. You have admitted you have a problem; now is the moment to transform it.

Transform — Take action to transform the issue.

Let Go — Instead of dwelling on the old beliefs and patterns, let go of them by focusing on what brings you joy.

It is applying this process that has enabled me to create harmony in my life.

My own experience and that of clients is the most challenging is the first actionacknowledge.

Why, because it is very, very easy to find other reasons or distractions to acknowledging the cause of the issue is within ourselves. After all, why would we think we would wish to create disharmony in our lives?

Very often, we prefer to believe it is normal” to experience this pain or discomfort rather than look within as to its cause. Let alone accept it is our body sending us a message an aspect of our life is out of balance.

Is The Music Of Your Life Offkey?

Each individual composes the music of their own life. When we experience upset of one kind or another, this is because there is an imbalance. It does not matter whether this is in our relationships at home, work, or life in general. The notes of our life are offkey, they lack harmony.

The most apparent conflict is when we say one thing and then do another. Creating a lack of congruence between our thoughts, feelings, actions and values. In energetic terms between our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual bodies.

Areas, where such imbalances arise, are where a difference exists between your feelings and thoughts. These mainly relate to your:

· Intimate relationship

· Money

· Business or career

· Relationships at work

· Family and friends

· Personal environment

· Health and wellbeing

· Personal, professional and spiritual growth

· Work, life balance

When there is balance, we experience an inner and outer sense of peace — called harmony. Then the pieces of our life fit, this is evident in our music and the way we are heard and seen by others.

Hence the first step to bringing harmony into your life is listening to the messages from your body. Certainly not to ignore or repress them.

For your body is highly organised with a blueprint already installed at conception to connect its various parts. In more ways than most people are aware, certain organs connect to specific muscles through connecting energy circuits.

These were described in the oldest known book on medicine, the Chinese Huang Ti Nei-Ching, or the Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine written around 2,500 BC. More recently, research as noted in the Journal of Nuclear Medicine has confirmed the lines of these circuits. Demonstrating the flow of energy within the body follows the same paths as those presented by the ancient Chinese physicians.

Left Or The Right Side?

One of the clues to help identify the message from our body is on which side is the pain or dis-comfort felt?

For the body does not use energy uniformly any more than it does oxygen. The right-hand side focuses on processes which concern aspects external to you. This includes work and career, hobbies, travel and so on. The right arm will be actively addressing these activities or attempting to put them in motion.

While the right leg is moving us into the place/situation/relationship so we can use our arm effectively.

It does not matter what skills or intentions you might have, you must take the first step toward the outcome you are seeking. The restraining factor is our beliefs.

The left side does similar, though opposite tasks. It is the side of self-care, self-worth, celebration, community, acceptance and meaningful life. This is where we are meant to be rather than do, where the world provides for us because we exist.

This makes Mother Earth a better place, where community is formed, we are celebrated, and we have a place within the whole.

A majority of people struggle with all these actions, which is echoed in their left side being less adept at doing most of them and often being less developed strength wise. Being left rather than right-handed will reverse this.

And Then I Was Reminded To…

Yet once trapped emotions are identified and recognised, the body can return to its normal, healthy, undisturbed state of harmony. It was to assist others to achieve what I have that I wrote The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony.

My approach to the research I carried out when writing it can be read here:

Am I a paragon in always listening to my body, unfortunately no. Or, at least sometimes I overlook the tell-tale signals! The most recent one of which has been gluten intolerance.

It was not until white blobs appeared on first my arms and then legs did I take action to acknowledge the message. The easy part was cutting out gluten. The more difficult deeply buried emotion did not appear until writing this story.

Some years ago I had retrieved one of my soul parts. It had remained in my life when distraught over losing the love of another, I walked out into a freezing North American winter to die. What I had not done until yesterday was to also embody the love I have for my body. Hence despite the physical action taken, my skin was not healing completely.

The first step to creating harmony in your life is to make peace with the person you are today. Cease making judgements about yourself and others. Instead, consider the innate abilities, gifts, and skills you have to offer.

How Parts Of Your Body Relate To The Seven Secrets

By identifying and understanding how different parts of your body relate to each of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony, you can address the energetic source of any physical and emotional ailments. This enables you to achieve the situation you desire in your work and life as a whole, flying in the direction that gives you the most passion. Then you will be in harmony with yourself.

You can use each of The Seven Secrets´chapters to help you identify the nature of your message as well as the underlying emotions generating the stress in your body.

Then you will be on your path to create what is outlined in this old Chinese proverb:

“If there is light in the soul, there will be beauty in the person. If there is beauty in the person, there will be harmony in the house. If there is harmony in the house, there will be order in the nation. If there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world.”

The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmonyis available for purchase by clicking on the title.

Reviews from readers in various countries can be read here.


Gregory Reece-Smith, aka the Shamanic CEO, is a Creator and International Best-Selling Author. His diverse background includes being the CEO of a public company and coaching fledgling businesses as well as international executive teams such as IKEA. His passion is using his skills and wisdom to inspire others to lead, find their inner strength, and connect feelings they may have repressed in achieving success. Upsetting deeply held beliefs so all are free to accelerate their life and so their business.

Download a copy of his latest book — the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life” to begin accelerating your life.



Gregory Reece-Smith

aka the Shamanic CEO, Creator and Best-Selling Author. My calling is to guide all to live a life of fun and joy as we journey through this period of transition.