The Simple Facts About Self-Publishing

Chapter One — Why Publish Your Book Yourself?

Jacquelyn Lynn
13 min readJul 30, 2021


Image created by Jacquelyn Lynn using MockupShots

Self-publishing isn’t a new idea — it’s been around since written language was developed. Some of history’s best-known and most prolific writers were self-published: American founding father Benjamin Franklin; English poet, painter, and engraver William Blake; novelist Jane Austen; poet Walt Whitman; The Shack author William P. Young; and Fifty Shades of Grey author E. L. James, to name a few. And then there’s my grandson Jeremiah, who published his own picture books at the age of six and sold them for a dime to his doting grandparents.

You’re in excellent company if you self-publish your book.

There’s something magical about being a published author, about having your name on a book, about knowing that people are reading what you wrote. But it’s not as easy as it might look. Whatever your goals, if you’re going to be successful at self-publishing (or independent publishing, as it’s also known), you need to do more than write a great book — you need to publish a quality book. There’s so much more to self-publishing than the manuscript.

Most authors need help getting their books produced and distributed, and there’s no shortage of companies out there serving the self-publishing market…



Jacquelyn Lynn

Inspirational author, business ghostwriter. Need some great quotes? Get “A Book of Proverbs: Wisdom of the Ages” free. Download at