Chapter 1

The Supernatural Jacket

A story of time travel with a supernatural old leather jacket Chapter 1

Liam Ireland
10 min readApr 6, 2021


Photograph by Katie Moum on Unsplash

As with all authors, my stories are based on my real life experiences with an added little twist. The following story is based upon a part of my family history and my father's gambling addiction.

At one time my father won enough to buy a small house. The one thing that eluded me was he spent all his winnings on gambling to try to win enough money to buy more than a small house. This was nothing less than some sort of madness, a madness called addiction.

The thought often occurred to me that if only I could go back in time to try to make him see sense perhaps I could do something to improve the impoverishment we all had to suffer for my father's addiction. Above all, I wanted so much to make my mother's life a lot better. And from this deeply felt desire was born the story of the Supernatural Jacket.

The story is part of two volumes of short stories published on Amazon under my other writing name William P.O'Neill. Here is the first chapter.

Ever since I can remember my father was something of mysterious man. My mother regaled me many a time about how at times my father would just disappear. He would simply put on his jacket and vanish into…

