The Tannhauser Gate

Chapter 3

Simon Have Nielsen


“…nature’s laws are deterministic and randomness surfaces owing merely to our ignorance of the underlying boundary conditions” Laplace, 1814

Photo by Grandfailure on iStock

When I got home that night, Anne and Victor were sleeping in each other’s arms. I stood in the doorway and enjoyed the sight of them for a while. The peaceful humming of mother and son asleep. I went to the living room and stretched out on the couch. Biggie, our dog, jumped up to me and wagged and wiggled his whole body. He must have been asleep, but now vigorously greeted me with his loving affection.

We lived in a small two-bedroom in a modernized part of town that used to be industrial and working-class housing. Now, the former factories had been replaced by hipster restaurants and specialist shops with anything from delicate teas to expensive bicycles. Given its heritage, the neighborhood however still was quite diverse giving rise to its intense and beautiful atmosphere. Walking the streets you would meet anyone from drug addicts and criminals to students and families. It all seemed to resonate in perfect harmony.

Our ground floor flat overlooked XX-Dark — one of the most well-visited swingers clubs in Copenhagen. It was an interesting scenery playing out front as the dark grew upon the day and the club came alive. I always wondered about the small talk going on in the…

