Illumination Book Chapters

The Yellow Hibiscus Chapter 56

Annelise Lords


Tara’s mother wasn’t a blonde, as was anyone of pure Hawaiian descent. So, who was Tara’s father?

Someone had torn out the remaining pages of the book. Where I presumed there would have been more information about the Yellow diamond. I needed to know more about it. I retrieved the second book. It wasn’t made of paper but pieces of leather bound together. On the cover page was a drawing of the Yellow Diamond Hibiscus. It was broken into four pieces, and a red liquid was running from the red center of the hibiscus. This book had about ten pages notated with handwritten symbols.

I read earlier that Hawaiians had no written language until the missionaries came in 1820. Closely inspecting the symbols, musical notes came to mind. The book about Polynesia informed that the native Hawaiian language was in musical notes that expressed many poetic ideas. So, I had to ask a native, a very old native, to decipher this.

A brochure on my bed advertised the Hotel’s Internet café. The Hawaiian Public Library should be online. It was easier than I thought, but someone could trace my IP address. Not if I changed it. That was a little trick I picked up from Jaden Cruz. A delinquent computer whiz I volunteered to help in Harlem.

